Situation: Speaker A is praising Speaker B for his good Chinese.
-You speak very good Chinese!
-________. I have been studying Chinese for a few years.

a. Thanks 解析:前者称赞后者中文很好,面对他人的称赞,遵循礼貌原则要先感谢对方,只有Thanks是表示感谢的。
b. I don’t know.
c. It must be hers.
d. I am sure.

Situation: A person is inviting a friend to go to the mountains together.
Speaker A: Would you like to go to the mountains with me tomorrow, Gina?
Speaker B: ________. Catch you at 9:00 am.

a. Sure, I’d love to 解析:句意:——你明天愿意和我一起去山上吗,吉娜?——当然,我很乐意。早上9点见。考查情景交际。Sure, I’d love to当然,我很乐意;Lucky you你真幸运;Yes, please是的,请;Have a good time玩得愉快。根据“Catch you at 9:00 am.”可知,此处表示接受邀请,使用Sure, I’d love to,。
b. Lucky you
c. Have a good time
d. Yes, please

Situation: Expressing greetings
Speaker A: How are you doing?
Speaker B: _________.

a. Very good
b. Doing homework
c. Just fine 解析:题干的意思是:你现在怎么样?选项 C 意思是还行;选项 D 意思是好主意。选项 B 和 D 都是所答非所问, 选项 A 用词错误, 应该是 very well, 而不能用 very good因此 C 是最佳选项。
d. A good idea.

Situation: Two people are having lunch.
Speaker A: Would you like more dumplings,Harry?
Speaker B: ________I.m full.

A. No way
B. Yes,please
C. All right
D. No,thanks

Situation: The company can’t offer any position.
M: Have you got a job with the company?
W: No, __________.

A. no position is available now 解析:男士问女士有没有找到工作,女士回答说公司暂时没有任何职位(no position is available now),是给出情景The company can’t offer any position的同义表述。
B. no job is suitable for me
C. I can.t meet its requirements
D. my English is not good enough

Situation: The woman could not answer the mobile phone when the man called her.
M: I called your mobile phone this morning, but you didn.t answer it.
W: __________.

A. I was driving to the airport to meet a friend 解析:男士打女士手机没接,女士解释原因最合理的回答是:当时她正开车去机场接朋友。
B. The phone was ringing.
C. I could see the phone.
D. The phone was expensive

Situation:Tom is asking Chuck about the new computer.
Tom: What do you think of your new computer?
Chuck: ________.
a. Yes, glad to hear that.
b. It is really fantastic. 解析:本题考查购买电子产品时征询意见,答语中做出选择即可。
c. How about you?
d. Well, I think so.

Situation: It’s raining heavily outside. Cathy’s son hasn.t arrived home yet, so she is worried.
–It’s raining so heavy outside. I’m terribly anxious about my son’s safety.

a. Well, I do agree with you. He’s a good boy.
b. Don’t worry. He will come back safe and sound. 解析:本题考查英语中表达忧虑和给予安慰的表述。原句说外面下着大雨,我很担心儿子的安全。只有选项B用了“Don’t worry”表达安慰,并说儿子一定会平安归来,所以正确答案是B。
c. Yes, it is. And it’s very likely to rain tomorrow.
d. Is it? I think it is good weather now.

Situation: At the restaurant.
Speaker A: ________________?
Speaker B: Yes, I’ll have a steak, medium rare, with French fries.
a. Excuse me, are you ready to order now 解析:本题考查点餐用语及回答。选项A表示“你想吃什么?”,语气生硬;选项B的意思是“你决定好要做什么了吗?”,不符合餐厅点餐语境;选项C的意思是“打扰一下,现在可以点餐了吗?”,符合此处语境;选项D表示“抱歉,谁来点餐?,疑问词who与后面的yes肯定回答也不相符”;综上所述,答案应该是C。
b. Sorry, but who’d like to order
c. Have you decided what to do yet
d. What do you want to eat

Situation: Tom wants to borrow his friend’s car.
Speaker A: Could I borrow your car for a few days?
Speaker B: __________________
a. Yes, go on.
b. Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey. 解析:别人向我们求助,我们如果能帮忙,应该爽快地答应,并立即提供帮助。A、B、D选项不符合习惯表达,故选C。原题意思是“我能借你的车用几天吗?”答案C的意思是“当然可以,给你。祝你旅途愉快!”。
c. Yes, you may borrow.
d. It doesn’t matter.

Situation: Two persons are talking in the classroom.
Speaker A: I’m worried about tomorrow’s math exam.
Speaker B: _________. I’m sure you will make it.
a. What a pity
b. Don’t mention it
c. Take it easy 解析:交际用语。Bad luck糟糕,What a pity多么遗憾,Take it easy放松一点,Don’t mention it不要提它。根据题意:我担心明天的数学考试。放松一点,你会考好的。选“ C ”。
d. Bad luck

Situation: Two persons are talking on the train.
Speaker A: I can’t find my seat. Could you show me, sir?
Speaker B: _________. May I see your ticket, please?
a. Good idea
b. It doesn’t matter
c. I agree
d. Sure

Situation: Two persons are talking about the coming holiday.
Speaker A: I’m going to Hainan with my aunt for my holiday after the exam.
Speaker B: _________.
a. Thanks a lot
b. You are welcome
c. It doesn.t matter
d. Have a good time

Situation: A and B are having breakfast.
Speaker A: Would you like some bread, Linda?
Speaker B: _______ . It’s my favourite.
a. Yes, please. 解析:句意:--琳达,你想要一些面包吗?--要,它是我的最爱。如果不要了应该选B;如果想要就应该选C。根据It’s my favourite可知。
b. Yes, I do.
c. No, thank you.
d. No, I’m not hungry.

Situation: Two persons are talking about a concert.
Speaker A : How about going to a concert this weekend?
Speaker B: _______?It’s a few months since I enjoyed myself in the last one.

a. Why
b. Why not 解析:答语的后一句It’s a few months since I enjoyed myself in the last one “我已经好几个月没有享受过音乐会了”表明,空格处的意思是同意对方周末去听音乐会的提议。why和what for都表示“为什么”,询问原因;what“什么”询问什么内容;why not “为什么不呢?”相当于“当然可以”,表示同意和接受对方的建议。
c. What for
d. What