Situation: It’s raining heavily outside. Cathy’s son hasn.t arrived home yet, so she is worried.
–It’s raining so heavy outside. I’m terribly anxious about my son’s safety.

a. Well, I do agree with you. He’s a good boy.
b. Don’t worry. He will come back safe and sound. 解析:本题考查英语中表达忧虑和给予安慰的表述。原句说外面下着大雨,我很担心儿子的安全。只有选项B用了“Don’t worry”表达安慰,并说儿子一定会平安归来,所以正确答案是B。
c. Yes, it is. And it’s very likely to rain tomorrow.
d. Is it? I think it is good weather now.
