Situation: A person is inviting a friend to go to the mountains together.
Speaker A: Would you like to go to the mountains with me tomorrow, Gina?
Speaker B: ________. Catch you at 9:00 am.

a. Sure, I’d love to 解析:句意:——你明天愿意和我一起去山上吗,吉娜?——当然,我很乐意。早上9点见。考查情景交际。Sure, I’d love to当然,我很乐意;Lucky you你真幸运;Yes, please是的,请;Have a good time玩得愉快。根据“Catch you at 9:00 am.”可知,此处表示接受邀请,使用Sure, I’d love to,。
b. Lucky you
c. Have a good time
d. Yes, please
