Your terms are ( ), so both of us are ( ). A. satisfying, satisfying B. satisfied, satisfied C. satisfactory, satisfied D. satisfied, satisfying
Your terms are( ) , so both of us are ( ). A. satisfying, satisfying B. satisfied, satisfied C. satisfactory, satisfied D. satisfied, satisfying
We have( )a provisional agreement on technical cooperation. A. been interesting in B. entered into C. interested in D. entering into
Please reply ( )fax if you find our quotation acceptable. A. with B. on C. in D. By
We wish to offer you the new“Rose” paint we have ( )to the trade. A. given B. recommended C. introduced D. Reported
For ( )commodities as oil, sand and timber, rail transportation is cheaper than road transportation. A. unpacked B. large quantities of C. unpackaged D. Bulk
The purpose of a sales letter is to ( )the prospective customer’ s interest. A. encourage B. arouse C. attract D. Secure
A letter of credit would ( )the cost of our imports. A. reduce B. raise C. grow D. Drop
We confirm( ) your S/C dated Feb. 23, 2009. A. have received B. having received C. had receiving D. having receiving
Our client has agreed to ( )shipment date of their L/C to August 30. A. enlarge B. expand C. expect D. Extend
The machines were shipped two weeks ago and ( )you by now. A. should have reached B. have reached C. should reach D. shall reach
( )you fulfill the terms of the L/C we will accept the drafts drawn under this credit. A. Providing B. Provides C. Provided D. Provide
We can hardly ( )an agreement with you since your quotation is ( )to us. A. reach,accepted B. reach,unacceptable C. arrive,accepting D. arrive,acceptable
Wethinkmuch regretthatwe failtocompletethework ( )theagreedcontract time. A. for B. by C. To D. Towards
We have agreed to ( )a joint venture in that country. A. put up B. set up C. look forward D. agree to