You () be driven out of the school if you dare to cheat in the exam. 选项 A:should B:would C:will D:shall
2、 【单选题】 It is no longer a problem ()the poor children in this district can go to school. 选项 A:that B:whether C:so D:because
Generally speaking, the hard one works, (). 选项 A:the better he gets result B:the better result he gets C:he gets better result D:does he get
The house built of stone lasts longer than () built of wood. 选项 A:the one B:one C:that D:its
No matter how frequently () the works of Beethoven always attract a large number of people. 选项 A:performing B: performed C:to be performed D:being performed
The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds ()his arguments in favor of the new theory. 选项 A: to be based on B:to base on C:which to base on D: on which to base
7、 【单选题】 "() your meeting is!" he offered them his sincere congratulations. 选项 A:How a great success B:What a great success C:How great success D: What great success
We must remember that ()fashion is not the most important thing in () life. 选项 A:/; the B:/; / C:the; / D:the; the
What do you mean () saying that you.ve never heard of it before? 选项 A:in B:by C:as D:with
During the tourist season, there are many people wandering in this city to see the old castles () in the sixteenth century. 选项 A:to be built B:being built C:having been built D:built
This kind of cloth () well. 选项 A:washes B:wash C:is washed D:is washing
It is no longer a problem ()the poor children in this district can go to school. 选项 A:that B:whether C:so D:because
In fact Peter would rather have left for San Francisco than () in New York. 选项 A:to stay B:stayed C:stay D:having stayed
The great use of school education is not so much to teach you things () to teach you the art of learning. 选项 A:as B: that C:than D:but
It () quite a few years () the accused was declared innocent and set free. 选项 A:was; since B:is; that C:will be; when D:was; before