(单选题) One influential idea about language teaching based on Chomsky’s theory is that students should be allowed to ___ sentences based on their understanding of certain rules, which idea is clearly in opposition to the audio-lingual method.(本题2.5分) A、 imitate other people’s B、 explain the grammar rules of C、 create their own D、 ignore the existence of
(单选题) According to Ur, the six factors contribute to successful practice include pre-learning, volume and repetition, success-orientation, heterogeneity, teacher assistance, and ___.(本题2.5分) A、 interest B、 accuracy C、 fluency D、 complexity
(单选题) When practising sounds, the activities “using minimal pairs”, “which order”, “same or different” and “odd one out” belong to the category of ___.(本题2.5分) A、 perception practice B、 production practice C、 perception and production practices D、 perception or production practice
(单选题) Role-playing through cue dialogues, role-playing through situation and goals, and role-playing through debates or discussion are examples of ___.(本题2.5分) A、 mechanical practice B、 drilling language C、 pre-communicative activit ies D、 social interaction activities
(单选题) One of the reasons why the deductive method is criticized is that ___ in the method.(本题2.0分) A、 language is taught in a context B、 much attention is paid to meaning C、 the practice is often mechanical D、 not enough explanation is provided
(单选题) In Hymes’s words (1979), there are ‘___ without whichthe rules of grammar would be useless’, which simply means, besides grammaticalrules, language use is governed by rules of use, which ensures that the desiredor intended functions are performed and the language used is appropriate to thecontext.(本题2.0分) A、 rules of forms B、 rules of use C、 forms D、 functions
(单选题) Those words that one is not only able to recognize but also able to use in speech and writing are considered as one’s ___.(本题2.0分) A、 receptive or active B、 productive or passive C、 receptive or passive D、 productive or active
(单选题) According to Nation (2001) productive knowledge of vocabulary involves the following except ___. (1) being able to say it with correct pronunciation and stress (2) being able to produce words that commonly occur with it (3) being able to recognize the typical collocations(4) being able to produce synonyms and opposites for it(本题2.0分) A、 (1) B、 (2) C、 (3) D、 (4)
(单选题) 【 】6. According to Willis the conditions for language learning are exposure to a rich but comprehensible language put, ___ of the language to do things, motivation to process and use the exposure, and instruction in language.(本题2.0分) A、 chances B、 context C、 use D、 knowledge
(单选题) When teaching grammar, if the teacher follows the sequence of teaching activities of “teacher’s presentation of an example → explanation of the rule → students’ practice with given prompts”, Professor Wang Qiang would believe that the teacher is using the ___ method.(本题2.0分) A、 inductive B、 deductive C、 guided discovery D、 task-based
(单选题) One of the reasons why the deductive method of teaching grammar is criticized is that ___ in the method.(本题2.0分) A、 grammar is taught in a context B、 little attention is paid to meaning C、 the practice is often meaningful D、 not enough examples are provided
(单选题) As far as pronunciation is concerned, students benefit from both ___.(本题2.0分) A、 spelling and meaning B、 vocabulary and grammar C、 reading and writing D、 mechanical practice and meaningful practice
(单选题) The guided discovery method is different from the inductive method because the process of the discovery ___ and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly.(本题2.0分) A、 is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher B、 is made by the students themselves C、 takes place automatically D、 never takes place
(单选题) When teaching pronunciation, great care should be taken to the distinction between ___.(本题2.0分) A、 pronunciation and grammar B、 pronunciation and vocabulary C、 pronunciation and writing D、 pronunciation and phonetics
(单选题) The Critical Period Hypothesis is still controversial/debated, because ___.(本题2.0分) A、 both positive and negative answers have been given by researchers B、 no researches have been done C、 the hypothesis does not exit at all D、 researchers are not interested in it at all