国家开放大学 人文英语1
Mid-autumn Day is for families to get together in China.People show their thanks for the year.s harvest and pray for another year of good harvest.Moon cake is a traditional gift and food that people give each other during the festival.
Mid-autumn Day was a harvest festival longtime ago.The story goes as follows.
Longtime ago, there were 10 badly behaved suns in the sky.Houyi, a capable archer shot down nine of them to save the people and the earth.
The hero Houyi went to the Kunlun Mountains and gained a pill from Xi Wang mu, the Goddess of the West Xi told him that he would never die after he took the pill.When he came back home, he gave it to Chang.e, his wife asking her to keep it safe.
While Houyi was away, an evil follower tried to stealth epil.Chang.e put it into her mouth and immediately floated to the moon.
Houyi cried for the loss of his wife.He laid a table in his yard and put out some of Changes favorite foods.Moon cakes are among them.People then followed and prayed to Chang.e, now a goddess to bring them happiness and bountiful harvests.
21-1.【单选题】Mid-autumn Day is for families to in China.
A.get together
B.have a dance
C.go to parks

21-2.【单选题】One traditional gift and food that people give each other during the festival is the______.
B.moon cake

21-3.【单选题】Why did Houyi shoot down nine suns?
A.In order to be a hero
B.In order to have fun
C.In order to save the people and the earth

21-4.【单选题】Chang’e put the pill into her mouth because______.
A.an evil follower wanted to steal the pill
B.she would never die after she ate the pill
C.Houyi asked her to take the pill

21-5.【单选题】Which of the following statements about Chang’e is not true?
A.Moon cakes are among Chang’e favor to foods
B.Chang’e floated to the moon after she ate the pill

One study in the United States found that thirty-eight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends.
Elisabeth Gareis teaches in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College in New York.She says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detail.But she says these efforts should begin with the college or university and that these institutions have been working harder
Ms.Gareis suggests that students should be encouraged to take part in different activities,such as taking walks,going on bike rides,field or camping trips,and attending parties s poring events or film festivals She says such activities should beheld repeatedly throughout the school term to bring students together.
She also suggests that foreign students share housing with American students.She says if the news students make friends as they begin school they wilco me to feel part of the life and traditions of the university,as well as create long lasting friendships throughout their university career
21-1.【单选题】According to paragraph one,what was the percentage of foreign students had no close American

21-2.【单选题】Who should work harder on improving the relationships between foreign and American students?
A.American students
C.The college or university

21-3.【单选题】Which way is a good way to improve the relationship?
A.Stay at domitory all day
B.Play with students from home country

21-4.【单选题】Does Ms.Gareis say the activities shouldn.t beheld repeatedly throughout the term?
C.Not mentioned

21-5.【单选题】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Helping International Students Make Friends.
B.How to Study Overseas.
C.How to Take Part In Friends. Party.

Sank police were investigating a possible child luring case near a primary school.
1.The two men in the black van_______.
[答案]probably wanted to lure Mary
2.Mary is probably a_______school student.
3._______too the case seriously.
[答案]Both of the above
4.In order to be safe when going to school,kids should _______.
[答案]take self-defense sprayers(自卫喷雾器)
5.This case indicated that_______should pay attention to the safety problems.
[答案]the public

Social workers help people overcome problems and make their lives better.If people are homeless,sick,or having family problems,social workers will work with them.If students have trouble in school,social workers help them too.
1.According to the text,what is not social workers. job?
[答案]to do the housework for people
2.For someone with family problems,social workers will.
[答案]find them a parenting class
3.Social workers build to provide the help for people in need.
4.Which of the following sentence is not true?
[答案]Most social workers think of their job as boring.
5.The main point of this passage is about.
[答案]How social workers do their job

Ten workers in China pushed their boss.s car three miles home after an of ice party because they were all too drunk to drive.The group was enjoying a meal at a restaurant in downtown Changchun,Jilin Province(northeast China).When the party was over,Boss Zhang Fei found that he was too drunk to drive.Then ---------
The United States is a very large country.It has many different kinds of landscapes and different kinds of people.
In the East,the countryside is green and fresh.Here are some of the first states and some of the big cities.New York and the capital Washington D.C,are in the East.
In the South,there is the beautiful city of New Orleans,the capital of jazz.It is sometimes hot here,and the people here are very different from those in the East.
The Central Plains of the United States are fertile with big fields of wheat and com.
In the South-West it is often hot and dry.But the deserts and mountains are beautiful And Califomia,on the West Coast,is famous as a“paradise"state.
The weather in the Mid-West,near the Great Lakes,is often cold and windy,and there is a lot of snow in winter.
21-1.【单选题】Which of the following does the United States have?
A.Different kinds of People
B.Different kinds of Food
C.Different kinds of Movies
21-2.【单选题】Which one is the capital of the United States?
B.Washington D.C
C.New York

21-3.【单选题】New Orleans is famous for its_____________.
C.Vapor wave

21-4.【单选题】What are the main crops in the central United States?
A.Rice and Wheat
B.Corn and Rice
C.Corn and Wheat

21-5.【单选题】Which part of the United States is usually hot and dry?

What do I do at the party?
You should always offer to get drinks for other people when you go to get a drink for yourself. You should introduce yourself to new people in the group.You should avoid personal questions ab family until you know them better.Good topics of conversation are films,books,television program holidays,jobs,the town you are in,etc.
You should ask for permission to smoke;say“Is it alright if I smoke”Or,better,you should go outside to smoke.Many people don.t like the smell of smoke inside.
What do l do when I leave?
If you are not a close friend of the hosts,you shouldn.t be the last to leave.
You should say“Thank you”to the hosts and say It was a lovely party.I really enjoyed myself And then you should go back to people you talked to and say“I was very nice to meet you.”
21-1.【单选题】When you go to get a drink for yourself,you should______.
A.introduce yourself first
B.offer to get drinks for other people in the group
C.ask for permission

21-2.【单选题】You should not talk about______with new people.
A.the town you are in
B.television programs
C.personal questions about family

21-3.【单选题】People don’t lie the smell of smoke inside,so you should______.
A.not smoke before you go to a party
B.go outside to smoke
C.smoke in the kitchen

21-4.【单选题】______get drinks for other people at a party.
A.You should always offer to
B.You should never
C.You should say sorry if you

21-5.【单选题】You say“It was very nice to meet you”when you______.
A.meet other guests
B.leave other guests
C.meet your hosts

I enjoy____books in the library。
A. read
B. reading
C. to read

Houyi,a capable archer,shot_________nine of them to save the people and the earth.
C. down

I am___of your success in your job.

It.s been a(n)___tradition ever since. People celebrate it every year.
A. annual
C. crowded

I___in the Open University of China last year.
A. took
B. enrolled
C. listed

St.Valentine.s Day is_________every year on February 14.

Social workers should learn how to____people.
A.look at
B.look into
C.look after

Please don.t make so much noise.The baby now.(  )
C.will sleep
D.is sleeping