62. (单选题) It may take some time to get the British economy back on____________.(本题1.0分) A、 way B、 road C、 track D、 line
63. (单选题) Now she is free ________ the control of her parents.(本题1.0分) A、 out B、 away C、 from D、 off
64. (单选题) Sarah looked slender-waisted, ____________ and very beautiful.(本题1.0分) A、 fragility B、 to be fragile C、 fragile D、 weakly
65. (单选题) Luckily, they sold 40 cars in a week, a record never touched before.( )(本题1.0分) A、 幸运的是,他们一周卖了40辆车,这打破了以往的记录。 B、 幸运的是,他们一周卖了40辆车,一个从前从没有碰过的记录。 C、 他们运气好,但还是没有达到以前一周卖40辆车的最高记录。 D、 他们凭借运气卖掉了40辆车和一盒从未碰过的唱片。
66. (单选题) The salesperson with I had business has got a promotion recently.( )(本题1.0分) A、 who B、 which C、 whose D、 whom
67. (单选题) The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ____________ to eat more fruit and vegetables.(本题1.0分) A、 persuade B、 will persuade C、 be persuaded D、 are persuaded
68. (单选题) He was doing some washing __________ .(本题1.0分) A、 at eight yesterday morning B、 yesterday morning eight C、 yesterday morning at eight D、 by eight yesterday morning
69. (阅读理解题)Many of the physical features __(1)__ make us attractive to one another are, in fact, signals of our health and fertility. These days, in addition __(2)__ cosmetics (化妆品), women and men both rely on advanced technology to enhance their __(3)__. Wrinkles can be stretched away with a face lift. Special injections can make lips look __(4)__ young and plump. Countless creams and chemicals promise clear, glowing skin for men and women. __(5)__ being a sign of youth, good skin also means that the person is likely to be healthy and __(6)__ from parasites(寄生虫). Our sensitivity to physical beauty is not __(7)__ we can control at will. We are born with it. There are more important things in life than beauty, __(8)__ as Etcoff says, “We have to understand beauty, or we will always prefer to be enslaved by it.” __(9)__ you aim to be wise and kind and funny, it doesn’t mean that you can’t also try your best to look beautiful. There’s __(10)__ reason to feel guilty about being moved by beauty’s power. It moves us all. (1). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 this B、 that C、 it D、 they (2). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 to B、 with C、 for D、 on (3). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 body B、 health C、 power D、 beauty (4). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 attract B、 attracted C、 attractive D、 attractively (5). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 Beside B、 Besides C、 Except D、 Exception (6). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 free B、 away C、 out D、 / (7). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 nothing B、 anything C、 something D、 everything (8). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 and B、 but C、 if D、 just (9). (单选题) (本题0.0分) A、 If B、 So C、 And D、 Then (10). (单选题) (本题0.0分) A、 a B、 every C、 no D、 one
70. (阅读理解题) Are you planning a vacation? If you like hot and extremely dry summers, go to Phoenix, Arizona. For hot temperatures but lots of rain and thunderstorms, try Miami, Florida. If you want average temperatures and rainfall, St. Louis, Missouri, is the spot, or if you’re a cold weather fan, head to Fairbanks, Alaska. Its winters are very cold with little precipitation(冰雹). Each of these cities has a certain type of weather. The average weather for a place over many years is called climate, and in no two places in the world is it exactly the same. How can this be? Many things in nature, such as sunshine, temperature, and precipitation, affect climate. Nearness to mountain, oceans, and large lakes affects it too. Another factor is altitude, or height above sea level. Air cools as altitude increases. So a city at a higher altitude may be colder than one at a lower altitude. Finally winds affect climate. They move heat and moisture between the oceans and continents. Winds keep the tropics(热带地区) from overheating. They keep the polar(极地的) regions from getting overly cold. Climate changes over long periods of time. Some scientists think, for example, that the earth’s climate changed at the time of the dinosaurs. They think the dinosaurs died because of the change. What causes a climate to change? One possible cause may be changes in the sun. Sunspots, for example, are cool, dark spots that form on the sun. Sunspots may decrease precipitation on the earth and cause unusually dry periods. Changes in the atmosphere may change climate too. Volcanic eruptions(火山喷发), for instance, release solid particles into the air. These particles(微粒) may form a cloud that blocks out the sun’s heat. Human activity is another cause of climate change. Air pollution and the reduction of forest cover may have long –term effects on climate. (1). (单选题) This passage is concerned with things that affect .(本题2.0分) A、 precipitation B、climate C、 altitude D、sunspots (2). (单选题) Change in climate may have caused . (本题2.0分) A、 dinosaurs to die B、 dark spots to form on the sun C、 volcanic eruption D、 air pollution (3). (单选题) The effect of a volcanic eruption on climate may be to make it . (本题2.0分) A、 wetter B、 dryer C、 warmer D、 colder (4). (单选题) To help readers understand how climate can change, the writer uses . (本题1.0分) A、 examples B、 a story about the seashore C、 order of importance D、 a strong argument (5). (单选题) Which of the following is the place of greatest altitude on a mountain? (本题1.0分) A、 the foot of the mountain B、 8, 500 feet up the mountain C、 the top of the mountain D、 15, 785 feet up the mountain
71. (阅读理解题) The first of April is commonly known as April Fools. Day, and it is customarily on this day to play a trick on a friend. Pranks(恶作剧)performed on April Fool.s Day range from the simple, (such as saying, "Your shoe.s untied!), to the elaborate. Setting a roommate.s alarm clock back an hour is a common joke. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!" It isn.t only children that like such jokes. Grownups like such pranks, too. The news media even gets involved. Some years ago, for example, a famous joke was played on the radio. A scientific correspondent reported that strange geological changes had resulted in weaker gravity in different parts of Britain. He asked listeners to jump up and down and see if they could jump higher than they normally could. Many people did. Not until twelve o.clock did the BBC gently remind its listeners it was April Fools’ Day that day. It.s simply a "for-fun-only" holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next April Fool! (1). (单选题) What’s the customary joke played on friends on April Fool’s Day? (本题2.0分) A、 To set a roommate’s alarm clock one hour before the usual hour. B、 To fool somebody by telling him his shoe laces are unfastened. C、 To report some gravity changes happened in certain part of Britain. D、 To ask listeners to jump up and down to see whether they can jump higher (2). (单选题) The word “vigilant” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ____________. (本题2.0分) A、 watchful B、 careful C、 careless D、 troublesome (3). (单选题) What’s the writer’s attitude towards the holiday? (本题2.0分) A、 Ironic(讽刺) B、 Critical C、 Indifferent D、 Positive (4). (单选题) According to the passage, what will people do if their friends are fooled by their pranks? (本题1.0分) A、 . They will yield to his victim. B、 They will end up their tricks. C、 They will explain their pranks. D、 They will cry out “April Fool”. (5). (单选题) Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage? (本题1.0分) A、 The origin of April Fool’s Day B、 The pranks of April Fool’s Day C、 The news media involved in jokes D、 Famous jokes of April Fool’s Day
72. (阅读理解题)Generation N is also challenging society’s traditional ideas about love, marriage and children. Researchers __(1)__ that Gen N’s are more individualistic. They want their own personal space and freedom. This is resulting __(2)__ many people choosing to marry later, or not at all. One marketing and research company discovered the__(3)__attitude among Gen N’s: There’s no need to marry if you can lead a happy and independent life __(4)__ . For those __(5)__ do marry, they’re waiting until they’re older. They’re also choosing to have children later. Many Gen N’s come __(6)__ homes where both parents work. This has made them the generation with more disposable income than any other. And marketers haven’t lost __(7)__ of this fact. These days, __(8)__ from cell phones to credit cards is marketed directly toward Generation N. As a group, they enthusiastically welcome rapidly changing technology. And they eagerly buy and use the newest products. Unfortunately, Gen N’s also have a great willingness to buy on credit. They worry __(9)__about going __(10)__ debt than previous generations. (1). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 said B、 says C、 stated D、 state (2). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 in B、 to C、 for D、 from (3). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 followed B、 follows C、 following D、 follow (4). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 lonely B、 lone C、 alone D、 along (5). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 that B、 which C、 whom D、 who (6). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 from B、 in C、 out D、 of (7). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 view B、 sight C、 vision D、 idea (8). (单选题) (本题1.0分) A、 anything B、 nothing C、 something D、 everything (9). (单选题) (本题0.0分) A、 more B、 much C、 less D、 little (10). (单选题) (本题0.0分) A、 to B、 into C、 on D、 for