1. (单选题) ( ) 1. Jay spends all his free time_________.(本题4.0分) A、 paint B、 painting C、 painted D、 paints
2. (单选题) ( ) The soldiers prefer to ________ rather than ________.(本题4.0分) A、 die, surrender B、 died, surrendered C、 dies, surrenders D、 died, surrendering
3. (单选题) ( ) I prefer ________ than ________.(本题4.0分) A、 reading; writing B、 read;write C、 reads; writes D、 read; wrote
4. (单选题) – Hi. I’m your neighbor. My name is Steve Edwin. – (本题4.0分) A、 What are you from? B、 Oh. C、 Yes, I know. D、 Hi. It’s good to see you. I’m Jane Peterson.
5. (单选题) ( ) John: Jack, come and meet my friend Bob. _______.Jack: Nice to meet you.Bob: Same here.(本题4.0分) A、 I am very happy. B、 Bob, this is Jack. C、 Nice to meet you. D、 It’s my pleasure.
6. (单选题) ( ) Which is the most popular _______ at the moment?(本题4.0分) A、 piece of music B、 music C、 a music D、 a piece of music.
7. (单选题) ( ) These _______ are my friends.(本题4.0分) A、 buses-driver B、 bus-driver C、 buses-drivers D、 bus-drivers.
8. (单选题) ( ) One day, the man upstairs heard the _______ of children _______ in the park.(本题4.0分) A、 noise; to play B、 sound; to play C、 noise; play D、 sound; playing
9. (单选题) ( ) What _______ it is!(本题4.0分) A、 an expensive blouse B、 a bad weather C、 a wonderful trousers D、 thirsty sheep
10. (单选题) ( ) The bookshelf over there is _______.(本题4.0分) A、 Mary.s and Jane.s B、 Mary.s and Jane C、 Mary and Jane.s D、 Mary and Jane
11. (单选题) ( ) Mr.s Smith raises many _______ on his farm.(本题4.0分) A、 deers B、 sheeps C、 mouses D、 geese
12. (单选题) ( ) Some friends of _______ went to attend the meeting last week.(本题4.0分) A、 my father B、 my father.s C、 My fathers. D、 my fathers
13. (单选题) ( ) She got married while she was still _______.(本题4.0分) A、 in her teen B、 in her teens C、 a teen D、 teenager
14. (单选题) ( ) Did the Smith buy _______ when they moved into the new house?(本题4.0分) A、 many new furnitures B、 much new furnitures C、 many new furniture D、 much new furniture
15. (单选题) At first she had a little trouble ________ the lectures. ( )(本题4.0分) A、 follows B、 followed C、 following D、 follow