- It.s getting dark. I.m afraid I must be off now. - OK. 选择一项: A. Take it easy. B. Go slowly. C. See you.
- Are you going on holiday for a long time? - ________ 选择一项: A. It was a long time. B. Two weeks ago. C. No. Only a couple of days.
It takes small steps to create big change and this is service-learning hopes to achieve. 选择一项: A. what B. that C. which
Many disasters allow no time for people to gather even the most basic necessities, which is__________ planning ahead is essential. 选择一项: A. why B. because C. since
You can go out, __________ you promise to be back before 12 o.clock. 选择一项: A. so far as B. as far as C. as long as
__________ important it is for kids to imagine freely! 选择一项: A. What B. How C. What an
I bought a new car last month, but I __________ my old car yet. 选择一项: A. did not sell B. have not sold C. had not sold
I a book when the telephone . 选择一项: A. was reading...rang B. read...rang C. was reading...was ringing
One of the main benefits of community service is that it_________a person.s character. 选择一项: A. sets B. builds C. makes
I heard that you really had a wonderful time at John.s birthday party,_________? 选择一项: A. didn.t I B. didn.t you C. hadn.t you
Proper controls that should __________ developed as part of routine safety procedures were not in place. 选择一项: A. has been B. have been C. be
When you complete Part 1, you will be able to learn . 选择一项: A. to what do for specific hazards B. what to do for specific hazards C. what do for specific hazards
Communities are part of everyday life and have positive on its members. 选择一项: A. affects B. effects C. efforts
This is the man __________ last night. 选择一项: A. whom I saw him B. whom I saw C. who I saw him
Let.s go the reports on the latest work. 选择一项: A. over B. with C. to