He has the _______ of solving practical problems. (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 capacity B、 ability C、 capability D、 proficiency
What.s the author.s opinion in part one? (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 Teenagers. idleness and ignorance will produce serious effect on all concerned and for society as a whole. B、 Teenagers. idleness and ignorance will produce positive effect on all concerned and for society as a whole. C、 Teenagers. idleness and ignorance won.t produce any serious effect at all. D、 Teenagers. idleness and ignorance will produce serious effect only on
Xi Jinping at World Climate Change Conference 2015 urged thatall countries, developed countries in particular, ___________more sharedresponsibilities for tackling climate change. (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 assumes B、 assumed C、 should assume D、 assuming
How old was the “supposed” Hollis Maynell? ________. (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 Over 20 B、 Over 30 C、 Over 40 D、 Over 50
Which statement is not true about "American Dream"? (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 It is about socialism and national glory. B、 It provides freedom for American citizens. C、 It includes equal rights for immigrants. D、 It means a good and successful life for some Americans.
Women are often said to be more ____ than men. (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 liable B、 identical C、 emotional D、 immense
2. Type B personalities are persons who ________. (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 A. are likely to be leaders B、 B. may spend more time socializing with co-workers rather than completing work C、 C. has difficulty expressing emotion D、 D. tend to be good listeners and team players
"Jump the fence" refers to _______. (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 a sporting event B、 crossing the border C、 getting promotion D、 becoming an adult
At the very beginning, what did Tony do at Mr. Crawford.s house? (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 a farmer B、 a help C、 an apprentice D、 a skilled worker
3. What kind of person is Phil according to the text? (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 A. shopaholic B、 B. workaholic C、 C. golfaholic D、 D. alcoholic
____is the solid evidence of the advanced civilization on the earth. (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 Electricity B、 The steam engine C、 The virtual world D、 New kinds of transportation
Only by keeping down costs will America maintain its _________ advantage over other countries. (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 competitive B、 competition C、 competitor D、 contestant
4. After taking office, China’s Prime Minister, Zhu Rongji, tried his best to promote the new ________ policies. (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 A. economic B、 B. economical C、 C. economy D、 D. economics
Beethoven_______ a large number of classical symphonies. (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 composed B、 combined C、 connected D、 associated
Who delivered the famous speech "I have a dream"? (2.0分) 2.0 分 A、 George Washington B、 Martin Luther King C、 Barack Obama D、 Abraham Lincoln