费道罗夫曾阐述有关确切翻译的原则,下列选项中不正确的一项是_________ A.翻译的确切性就是表达原文思想内容的完全准确和在修辞作用上与原文的完全一致。 B.翻译的确切性就是通过复制原文形式的特点或创造在作用上与原文特点相符的东西来表达原文所特有的内容与形式间的相互关系。 C.确切翻译是以整体与部分之间的一定的均衡为前提的。 D.确切性在整个翻译的过程中要求在字面上同样程度地接近原文
傅雷的翻译主张是______。 A. 重形似不重神似 B. 既重形似也重神似 C. 重神似不重形似 D. 既不重形似也不重神似
下面哪种表述是正确的? A. 英语句子强调突出重点,语序比较固定。 B. 汉语句子强调突出重点,语序比较固定。 C. 英语强调时间顺序和逻辑顺序,评论与表态的话语多放在句末。 D. 汉语强调时间顺序和逻辑顺序,评论与表态的话语多放在句末。
What will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world? Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban evolution. Fifty-five percent of the world population is expected to live in cities by the year 2010. The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns all nations, developed or less developed, and their people. Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city, Exposition 2010 will attract governments and people from across the world, focusing on the theme “Better City, Better Life.” For its 184 days, participants will display urban civilization to the full extent, exchange their experiences of urban development, disseminate advanced notions on cities and explore new approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century. They will learn how to create an eco-friendly society and maintain the sustainable development of human beings.
应中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛邀请,美利坚合众国总统贝拉克·奥巴马对中国进行国事访问。两国元首就中美关系和其他共同关心的问题进行了深入、坦诚的会谈,成果丰富。双方积极评价中美建交三十年来两国关系取得的巨大发展,并就推进新时期中美关系发展达成一致。双方认为,两国领导人保持密切交往对确保中美关系长期健康稳定发展至关重要。 二十一世纪全球性挑战日益增多,世界各国相互依存不断加深,对和平、发展与合作的需求增强。中美在事关全球稳定与繁荣的众多重大问题上,拥有更加广泛的合作基础,肩负更加重要的共同责任。两国应进一步加强协调与合作,共同应对挑战,为促进世界和平、安全、繁荣而努力。
The Industrial RevolutionThe Industrial Revolution is a long train of changes starting about 1760. It is not alone: it forms one of a triad of revolutions, of which the other two were the American Revolution that started in 1775, and the French Revolution that started in 1789. It may seem strange to put into the same packet an industrial revolution and two political revolutions. But the fact is that they were all social revolutions. The Industrial Revolution is simply the English way of making those social changes. I think of it as the English Revolution. What makes it especially English? Obviously, it began in England. England was already the leading manufacturing nation. But the manufacture was cottage industry, and the Industrial Revolution begins in the villages. The men who make it are craftsmen: the millwright, the watchmaker, the canal builder, the blacksmith. What makes the Industrial Revolution so peculiarly English is that it is rooted in the countryside.
China’s Strong Economic PerformanceAfter a period of dramatic shifts in economic policy, China has decided on a stable and promising economic course.It is aimed at adjusting the pace of modernisation to China.s resource capabilities and its goal of major increases in employment, providing incentives for agricultural and industrial productivity; strengthening light, labour intensive industries, using technology to modernise and promote the technological transformation of existing industries; and removing bottlenecks imposed by energy and transportation constraints. In many of these areas, particularly agriculture, the results have been very positive. Food production is increasing rapidly. Modernisation of industrial production is occurring throughout the country, and production units are merging to achieve important economies of scale.
An individual human existence should be like a river --- small at first, narrowly contained within its hanks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.
我满怀着学习的愿望离开了井台。每件东西都有名字,每个名字都引出一个新的概念。回到屋里以后,仿佛我所接触的每一件东西都活了,因为我是用刚刚产生的这种新奇的视角来看待一切的。一进门,我就想起了被我摔碎的娃娃。我摸索着走到壁炉前,捡起碎片。.我想把这些碎片拼在一起,可是拼不起来了。 我的眼里随即充满了泪水,因为我意识到自己做了一件什么事,我第一次感到后悔,感到难过。
The continuous rapid economic growth in China.s western regions will generate more investment opportunities for foreign companies in the area. The rapid development over the past 20 years and more has laid down certain material and technological foundation in the western regions. This, coupled with social stability and gradual shaping and improvement of the market economy system, has created a favorable market environment for the sustained and fast economic progress in the western regions. The Chinese government adheres to the guiding principle of development focusing on the expansion of domestic demand and it has integrated the expansion of domestic demand, economic restructuring, advancement of science and technology and promotion of opening up. As the Strategy of Developing the Western Regions is steadily pushed forward, the resource and economic advantages of the west will be brought into full play thus further raising the quality and level of its economic growth.