Before going to bed, she that the door was locked. [ 2 分 ] A.insured herself B.assured C.assured herself D.insured
Since most people would’t like to buy an apartment far away from the city, there are a lot of apartments in this town. [ 2 分 ] A.empty B.blank C.vacant D.bare
The age of the boys in this class is about 18. [ 2 分 ] A.usual B.common C.average ordinary
Geological oceanographers use echo sounder to the depth of the water. [ 2 分 ] A.figure up B.figure in C.figure on D.figure out
Since the reform, the country’s economy has been fairly . [ 2 分 ] A.healthful B.healthy C.well health
Scientists have tried many ways to prevent the nuclear reactions from harmful and dangerous radiation. [ 2 分 ] A.giving up B.giving in C.giving to D.giving off
Directions : There are 2 0 blanks in the following passage . For each blank there are four choices narked A ) , B ) , C ) and D ) on the right side of the paper . You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage . Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center . A language is a signaling system which operates wi th synbolic vocal sounds ) and vhich is used by a graup of people for the purpose of connunication . Let . s look at this 1 innore detail because it is language , nore than anything else , 2 distinguishes nan from the rest of the 3 world . Other aninals , it is true , comnunicate with one another by 4 of cries : for exanple , nany birds utter 5 calls at the approach of danger ; nonkeys ut ter 6 cries , such as expressions of anger , fear and pleasure . 7 these various means of di ffer in important ways 8 hnan language . For ins tance , animals . cries do not 9 thoughts and feelings clearly . This neans , basically , that they lack structure . They lack the kind of structure that 1 0 us to divide a human utterance into 1 1 . Ve can change an ut terance by 1 2 one vord in it with 1 3 : a good illustration of this is a soldier who can say , e . g . , " tanks approaching from the north " , 1 4 who can change one word and say " aircraft approaching from the north " or " tanks approaching fron the west " , but a bird has a single alarn cry , 1 5 neans " danger ! " This is why the runber of 1 6 that an aninal can nake is very limited : the great tit ( is a case 1 7 point ; it has about twenty different calls , 1 8 in human language the number of possible utterances is 1 9 . It also explains why aninal cries are very 2 0 in neaning .
Part IV Translation (翻译) 1. 我们比任何时候都坚信,改革开放的政策是正确的。 [ 5 分 ]
2、 他利用这位老人对他的信任,向老人“借”了5000块钱。 [ 5 分 ]
3、 越来越多的人厌倦了都市的喧嚣,向往乡间的宁静Th活。 [ 5 分 ]
4、 看见火车轰隆隆向他开过来,他即刻作出的反应是跳离铁轨,可他 的双腿却不听使唤。 [ 5 分 ]
5、 经调查,警察发现,那部豪华轿车的车主就是上星期谋杀案的嫌疑犯。 [ 5 分 ]