[单选题] We _ Egypt with pyramids(金字塔) A、social B、societyC、associateD、sociable
17、[单选题] Martin Luther King.s speeches_(激励)many people to fightfor equal treatment of African Americans. OA、aspired B、inspiredo c. conspiredoD、expired
18、[单选题]Andy _ decided to leave his job, after much thought.A、 finally B、firstlyo C、secondlyD、thirdly
19、[单选题]Jenny is worried she won.t be able to _ her paper on timeA、 turn on B、turn downo C、 turn outD、turn in
20、[单选题] The man.s story is so _ that l don.t know whether to believe himor not. A、ordinaryB、extraordinaryo C. usual o D、often
21、[单选题] The officer _ soldiers to open fire.A、suggested B、requestedC、recommendedD、commanded
22、[单选题]Because his condition.s not serious they.ve put his name_ onthe hospital waiting list. A、on B、downo c、 offo D、in
23、[单选题]Many people know who wrote the song, but it seems none hasany idea of who _ the music. oA、imposed B、confusedo c.violatedo D、composed
[单选题] When my car was stopped by the police l was sure l had _(违反) some traffic rule without realizing it. A、heard B、seeno C、 brokeo D、violated
25、[单选题] lt is not desirable to _ any trouble before the performance.A、 anticipate B、prepareo C. thanko D、think
26、[单选题] l felt_(自豪的) after Mr. fleagle had read his essay to theentire class? A、 angryB、terrifiedC. proudO D、surprised
[单选题] What.s the English expression for "高兴的“? 󰃆 A、angry 󰃆 B、delighted 󰃆 C、surprised 󰃆 D、embarrassed
[单选题] She didn.t know how to _ the fact that she would never walk again. 󰃆 A、facing 󰃆 B、face up to 󰃆 C、face to 󰃆 D、faced with
[单选题] In the next three minutes we would be experiencing the _ of being film "stars". 󰃆 A、anger 󰃆 B、angry 󰃆 C、excitement 󰃆 D、excite
[单选题] she wore a _ ( 朴素的)black dress and plain black shoes.  A、severe 󰃆 B、serious 󰃆 C、fancy 󰃆 D、fantasy