She spent her teenage years in a否______ to make her child.s childhood happy. 选择一项: A. effort B. raised C. laughed D. heartbroken E. still F. task G. shaped
Her mother was ______ at and looked down upon for that. 选择一项: A. still B. shaped C. raised D. effort E. heartbroken F. laughed G. task
Susan.s grandmother ______ her. 选择一项: A. shaped B. still C. effort D. raised E. task F. laughed G. heartbroken
Her poor childhood really ______ the person that she became. 选择一项: A. heartbroken B. still C. shaped D. laughed E. effort F. raised G. task
Even with the ______of raising her baby, she is still able to work full time as a waitress. 选择一项: A. still B. effort C. heartbroken D. laughed E. shaped F. task G. raised
get a position in a company. 选择一项: A. Li Hua B. Liu Hui
in a happy team in her office 选择一项: A. Li Hua B. Liu Hui
not good at making friends with colleagues 选择一项: A. Li Hua B. Liu Hui
share ideas with your colleagues 选择一项: A. Li Hua B. Liu Hui
respect your boss 选择一项: A. Li Hua B. Liu Hui
they (in the Para. 4) 答案 1 they (in the Para. 1) 答案 2 she (in the Para. 2) 答案 3
All festivals celebrated in England can date back 100 years or more. 选择一项: 对 错
The birthday of Jesus Christ is on December 25. 选择一项: 对 错
Marie is the winner of this year.s Teaching Award. 选择一项: 对 错
Marie graduated from Yale University in 1983. 选择一项: 对 错