7.Tom: You are playing guitar well. Can you read music? Charles: No, I don’t. I just listen to songs on the radio and then play them until they sound right. Tom: _____ Charles: No, really. (3分) A. You’re lying. B. You’re kidding. C. You are boasting. D. You’re cheating.
6. Nancy: Have you heard about Dana? She is going to get married with Graham! Scott:______ (3分) A. Is it a real thing? B. Congratulations! C. You’re kidding! D. Good luck!
5.Please show me ____ to do it.(3分) A. what B. when C. which D. how
4.If I ____ your address, I would have visited you.(3分) A. know B. knew C. have known D. had known
3.Online shopping _____ competition to traditional business operation.(3分) A. takes B. delivers C. brings D. carries
2.For some individuals financial security is still viewed _____ a dream that can never be achieved.(3分) A. to B. with C. as D. for
1.The nuclear family ____ two parents (mother and father) and their children.(3分) A. is consisted of B. consists of C. consist of D. consists
1.Do you know Edison wore many caps during his life? First he was just a poor working boy. He wore work caps of many kinds. Later in life he became a famous inventor. Then he wore the caps of many famous schools and colleges. But his most important cap was his thinking cap. When he was a young boy, Edison.s thinking cap saved his mother.s life. One night, she suddenly felt ill. A doctor was called in. He had to operate(做手术) on her at once, but there was not enough light in the room. Edison quickly put on his thinking cap. He got all the oil lights in the house and put them on a long table. Then he placed a big mirror behind them. At once the room was quite bright. The doctor could operate, and his mother was saved. Edison was a thinking man. Yet, he was a working man and doing man, too. He was good with his hands and his head. Edison.s inventions have changed the world greatly. Today, big trains run on electricity. Electricity lights light up the streets of towns and villages. Science uses it every day. Records, shining lights, moving pictures and ringing telephones are very common now. Edison.s thinking cap made them. Usually, caps keep the head warm. But thinking caps keep the world warm. (20分) (1)The passage shows that Edison was very _____ when he was a young boy(4分) A. clever B. stupid C. ill D. warm (2)Edison was the inventor of records, lights, moving pictures, and ______.(4分) A. wheels B. telephones C. computers D. caps (3)When the doctor was to operate, the room was dark because there was no _____.(4分) A. windows B. caps C. enough lights D. fire (4)The thinking cap in the passage probably refers to _____.(4分) A. Edison.s gifts B. a thick hat C. a poor working boy D. a schoolboy (5)Which of the following is not true?_____(4分) A. Edison was good with his hands and his head. B. The doctor did not do very well in the operation. C. Edison invented many things and changed the world greatly. D. With Edison.s help, the doctor saved his mother.
1.An old friend from abroad, whom I was expecting 1 stay with me, telephoned from the airport to tell me he had arrived. I was still in the office at the time, but I had made arrangements 2 his arrival. I told him where my new flat was and explained that I had left the key under the door-mat. As I was likely to be home rather late, I advised him to go into the kitchen and help himself to food and drink. Two hours 3 my friend telephoned me from the flat. At the moment, he said, he was listening to my new records after having had a wonderful meal. He had fried two eggs and helped himself to the cold chicken from the refrigerator. He was now drinking a 4 of orange juice in the sitting room and hoped that I would join him. When I asked if he had any 5 finding the place, he answered that he had not been able to find the key under the door-mat, but fortunately the living-room window by the apple tree was left open and he had climbed in. I listened to all this in astonishment. I knew there was an apple tree in front of my neighbor.s flat. (20分) (1)(4分) A. later B. glass C. for D. trouble E. to (2)(4分) A. later B. glass C. for D. trouble E. to (3)(4分) A. later B. glass C. for D. trouble E. to (4)(4分) A. later B. glass C. for D. trouble E. to (5)(4分) A. later B. glass C. for D. trouble E. to
20. Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you? Mr. Smith: Yes, I’d like a ticket to New York 9:15 tomorrow morning. Clerk: _______? Mr. Smith: Single, please (3分) A. Single or return B. Single or double C. Single or two D. Single or back
19.It is necessary that measures _____ taken right now.(3分) A. must be B. will be C. be D. can be
18. Phone caller: Hello. Could I please speak to Helen? Helen: _____. (3分) A. It’s me B. Speaking C. I am Helen D. This is me
17.A: Susan, this is my boyfriend Sam. B: ______ C: Nice to meet you, too. (3分) A. You may only have one. B. Yours is lovely, too. C. Oh, really? Nice to meet you. D. Very well, thank you.
16.Nurse: Do you have any designated doctor? Patient: Yes, Dr. Hurt, Cliff Hurt. Nurse: Here is your registration card. Dr Hurt is at clinic No. 6. ____. (3分) A. You may stand in line here and wait for your arrangement B. You may stay here and wait for your right. C. You may sit here and wait for your order. D. You can sit over there and wait for your turn
15.My dream is _______ other alcoholics will find their success with the help of my book.(3分) A. that B. who C. it D. which