11[翻译题,4分] Membership in the IBRD is a prerequisite for membership in the IFC.
12[翻译题,4分] A straight bill of lading is made out so that only the named consignee is entitled to take delivery of the goods under the bill.
13[翻译题,4分] The consignee is designated by the shipper. The carrier has to hand over the cargo to the named consignee, not to any third party in possession of the bill.
14[翻译题,4分] This kind of bill of lading is not transferable. The shipper can’t pass the bill to a third party by endorsement.
5[翻译题,4分] Because of the limited functions, this bill is in very restricted application. When goods are shipped on a non-commercial basis, such as samples or exhibits, or when the goods are extremely valuable, a straight bill of lading is generally issued.
16[翻译题,4分] In choosing a transportation mode for a particular product, shippers consider as many as six criteria: speed, frequency, dependability, capability, availability and cost.
17[翻译题,4分] If a shipper seeks speed, air and truck are the prime contenders. If the goal is low cost, then water and pipeline are the prime contenders.
18[翻译题,4分] Shippers are increasingly combining two or more transportation modes thanks to containerization. Containerization consists of putting the goods in boxes or trailers that are easy to transfer between two transportation modes.
19[翻译题,4分] But in the short and not-so-long term future after foreign banks enter the Chinese market, these banks will be able to use lower prices and efficient services, including such services as tele-banking, to win over a large number of customers from domestic banks, especially prized customers.
20[翻译题,4分] The toughest challenge the government will face will be to eliminate bad debts, implement cautious and standard risk management models, and tighten up bank administration so that domestic banks can adapt to international competition.
21[翻译题,4分] The first is that no nation has all of the commodities that it needs, countries that lack come resources within their own boundaries must buy from countries that export them.
22[翻译题,4分] When an important client of a company engages in FDI and starts a factory is a foreign market, the firm, either a parts supplier or service provider, may very likely follow its client and make FDI overseas so as not to lose the business to its competitors.
23[翻译题,4分] The introduction of JIT inventory management system increases the necessity of such investment, since the system is meant to minimize the inventory to increase efficiency, putting the suppliers at disadvantage to make supply from a distant foreign country.
24[翻译题,4分] Counter purchase: the assumption by an exporter of a transferable obligation through separate but linked contract to accept as full or partial payment goods and services from the importer or importing country.
25[翻译题,4分] The main stimulus to enterprise is the release of funds, now available for investment in the productive side of a business, which would otherwise need to be held in easily accessible reserves if the firm had not transferred the risk to an insurer.