1. (单选题) She lost her _____in an accident.(本题5.0分) A、 sight B、 see C、 conscious D、 watch
2. (单选题) We all _____ health and happiness.(本题5.0分) A、 desire B、 wants C、 long D、 longing for
3. (单选题) He made us a _______ offer for the car.(本题5.0分) A、 disable B、 measurable C、 reasonable D、 suitable
4. (单选题) The use of cheap labour helped to keep_______ down.(本题5.0分) A、 costs B、 price C、 value D、 worth
5. (单选题) It is hard to_______how many children suffer from flu.(本题5.0分) A、 activate B、 concentrate C、 estimate D、 donate
6. (单选题) We will finish the project step_______.(本题5.0分) A、 by chance B、 by step C、 by the way D、 by accident
7. (单选题) Women forced to make a_______ between family and career.(本题5.0分) A、 choice B、 difference C、 promise D、 point
8. (单选题) I would ______ it if you didn’t tell anyone.(本题5.0分) A、 like B、 want C、 wish D、 prefer
9. (单选题) We are looking for someone who is _______and hard-working.(本题5.0分) A、 reliable B、 measurable C、 reasonable D、 suitable
10. (单选题) Being tall give him an ______over other players.(本题5.0分) A、 advantage B、 chance C、 opportunity D、 idea
11. (单选题) ______they follow me I guide and protect my sheep.(本题5.0分) A、 As well as B、 As long as C、 As good as D、 As much as
12. (单选题) He is very _______about making any decision.(本题5.0分) A、 cautious B、 curious C、 precious D、 delicious
13. (单选题) The hotel offers high standard of ____and service.(本题5.0分) A、 comfort B、 comfortable C、 reliable D、 advantage
14. (单选题) The new shoes are not very _______.(本题5.0分) A、 reliable B、 comfortable C、 reasonable D、 suitable
15. (单选题) Money is the key ________for me to decide whether I will take the job or not.(本题5.0分) A、 choice B、 factor C、 promise D、 point