21[翻译题,4分] 信用证不能给缔约双方提供绝对的安全。
22[翻译题,4分] 合同是在双方所达成的协议的基础上制定的,而协议又是双方进行商务谈判的结果
23[翻译题,4分] 技术、资本和现成的市场是跨国企业组织带给不发达国家的利益。
24[翻译题,4分] 贸易可能产生于规模经济,即大规模生产的成本优势。
25[翻译题,4分] 比较利益学说在这个问题上提供了一个令人满意的答案。
1[翻译题,4分] The Bank for International Settlement (BIS) is a unique institution. Many of its operations are of types normally performed by a commercial bank, but it is owned principally by central banks, and managed by central banks and its principal customers are central banks.
2[翻译题,4分] The objects of BIS are to promote the cooperation among central banks and to provide additional facilities for international operations.
3[翻译题,4分] In the 1970s and 1980s counter trade was different from the old practice although some similarities remained.
4[翻译题,4分] Current counter trade partners are not necessarily familiar partners and goods exchanged are sometimes vertically related. Current counter trade can be categorized as follows.
5[翻译题,4分] It should be noted, however, that the existence of a letter of credit is not a guarantee of payment to anyone.
6[翻译题,4分] The existence of credit only assures payment to the beneficiary if the terms and conditions of the letter of credit are fulfilled.
7[翻译题,4分] In addition, a letter of credit does not insure that the materials purchased will be those invoiced or shipped.
8[翻译题,4分] The members of an economic union are required not only to harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry policies, etc. , but also use the same currency.
9[翻译题,4分] The term Triad refers to the three richest regions of the world, the United States, the European Union and Japan that offer the most important business opportunities,
10[翻译题,4分] The IFC was established in 1956. Its function is to assist the economic development of less-developed countries by promoting growth in the private sector of their economies and helping to mobilize domestic and foreign capital for this purpose.