It.s to point to or talk about strangers in public.
A. not polite B. polite
C. good

I wish you success in your career.

A. Go ahead. B. It doesn.t matter.
C. The same to you.

My friend invited me the art club, and I accepted it with pleasure.
A. join B. to join
C. joinin

I a book when the telephone



was reading …rang
was reading …was ringing

You can go out, you promise to be back before 12 o.clock.
A. so far as B. as far as
C. as long as

They recommended that the amusement park
A. was extended B. will be extended
C. be extended

is known to all, too much fat causes heart problems.
A. It B. As
C. Just as

She doesn.t French or German.
A. speak B. say
C. talk

To minimize traffic jams in the city centre and on major roads out of Sydney,the Gty.s highway department will not agree to road closures scheduled for weekdays or Saturdays. On minor roads outside the city centre,weekdays and Saturdays may be considered. You must apply for approval to do roadwork and other road-related activities,tree cutting and use of very large construction machinery,ladders etc. Please note that approval is needed if you
plan to block the road or footpath.
Applications to have a road closed to traffic must be completed and sent to the
Department.s Traffic Calming Committee at least a month before the scheduled date.

Roads can be closed partially or fully,depending on your requirements. Partial road closures are only allowed in light traffic areas where there will be at least 1 lane for traffic with extra traffic control measures to make sure 2-way traffic can continue to run for the duration of the work. Any change of traffic flow will require the proposal to be treated as a full road closure. For further information about a partial road closure,please refer to
If you are organizing a parade,march or other type of street-based event,approval is also required and we recommend you choose one of our 4 preferred routes. Choosing an
existing route reduces the amount of planning you will need to do.
21. As a rule, Sydney.shighway department will agree to road closures in the city centre
scheduled for
A. weekdays B. Saturdays
C. Sundays
22. If you want a road closed to traffic,you must complete your applications and send
them to the relevant committee at least before the scheduled date.
A. a week B. 30 days
C. two months
23. Partial of full road closures are decided by
A. the requirements from applicants
B. the traffic flow
C. the road conditions
24. Which of the following is NOT the condition for partial road closures according to
the passage?
A. In light traffic areas.
B. On work days.
C. There will be at least 1 lane for traffic during the work.
25. Which of the following would be the best title of this passage?
A. Road Closure Procedures in Sydney
B. Road Conditions in Sydney
C. Road Management in Sydney

The“war for talent”reads like headlines from many years ago,but it has never gone away,says Eleanor Nickerson, director of UK operations for Top Employers. Many companies they have researched are short of talents. Though the companies may receive
many applications,they cannot find the people they want.
Top Employers’research shows that offering good career chances is the key to attracting and keeping the talent. Smart employees know their own value and will want to know what their employers can offer them after 5 or 10 years.career development. So,
keeping staff is the biggest challenge employers face in the long run.
Yet not every employee feels that they can better their career chances. Some are still nervous about losing their jobs,despite a recent fall in unemployment,says the Trades Union Congress(TUC). TUC points out that some four-fifths of new jobs created have been in part of the economy where average pay rates are less than t8 an hour since the recession
began. Many of these jobs are on temporary or zero hours contracts.
A report from the Office for National Statistics published in February showed that real wages have been falling consistently since 2010. It.s the longest period since at least 1964. “We.re still in the hardest living standards squeeze for over a century and those who are already working have had years of real-terms pay cuts,”says TUC spokesperson Liz Chinchen.“Understanding the pressures that staff face is a good starting point for any employer. If employers want to show concern for their staff,they should be paying them
well and understand that zero hours contracts bring insecurity and extreme money worries.”
26. Many companies are not short of talents any more.
27. Providing employees with good career chances is the key to attracting and keeping
the talent.
28. Smart employees don.t care about what companies can offer them after 5 or 10
years.career development.
29. Most of the new jobs are paid more than t8 an hour.
30. Payments have been decreasing consistently since 2010.

Write a reply to a complaint letter according to the information given below.
投诉者:George Smith
回复者:Peter Bruce,Manager
投诉原因:2018年5月10日在网上购买的Note 10 手机(Notel0 mobile phone)有质量
问题,不能拍照(take pictures),不能收发信息(receive or send messages)

How did you miss your train?

A. Well,I was caught in the traffic jam.
B. What.s your proposal?
C. Never mind.

I.ve started my own software company.

A. Could you tell me who is the owner?
B. No kidding! Congratulations!
C. If I had the money,I.d start one.

How did you find your visit to Qingdao, Joanna?

A.Oh,wonderful indeed. B. I went there alone.
C. A guide showed me the way.

Are you going on holiday for a long time?

A. It was a long time. B. Two weeks ago.
C. No. Only a couple of days.