1.5 He left here at7:00 and may by now. A、get home B、got home C、have got home D、have been got home
1.4 He did not write to me . A、no more B、any moreC、 take D、more
1.3 l am () to you for all your help. A、thank B、thanked C、thankingD、 thankful
1.2 lf you want to change for a double room you will have to pay () $15 A、another B、other C、more D、each
1.1 Johnny.you() playwiththeknife.You() hurtyourself. A、won.t;can.t B、 mustn.t;may C、shouldn.t;must D、 can.t;shouldn.t
1.6 Be quick, () we will be late for school. A、and B、so C、whenD、 or
1.7 she ( the office girl she was working with. A、looked up B、looked down C、looked down upon D、looked up
1.8 My kite is () that tree A、in B、on C、of D、upon
1.9 Good health depends ( good food, exercise, and getting enough sleep A、in B、x C、on D、of
1.10 Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has () IQ. A、a high B、 a higher C、voyage D、the highest
2.完形填空 2.1 Who doesn.t love sitting beside a fire on a cold winter night? Fire is one of man.s greatest friends, but also one of (1) greatest enemies. Many big fires are caused by carelessness. A lighted cigarette thrown(2) a car or train window,or a broken bottle lying on dr grass can.(3) a fire. Sometimes a fire can start on its own. Wet hay begin burning of itself. This is (4) it happens: The hay starts to rot and begins to (5) heat which is trapped inside it. Finally, it bursts into flames. That is why farmers cut and store their hay when it. s dry. Fires have destroved(6)cities in the 17th centurya small fire which(7) in a shop burnt down nearly every building in london. Moscow was set fire to during the war against Napoleon. This fire(8) burning for seven days. Even today, in spite of modern fire-fighting(9),fire causes a great deal of damage each year both in our cities and in the countryside. it has been widely (10) that fire is a good servant but a very bad master. 2.1.1 1 A、his B、its C、our D、Their 2.1.2 2 A、into B、out of C、from D、Over 2.1.3 3 A、happen B、light C、make D、Start 2.1.4 4 A、when B、why C、how D、Because 2.1.5 5 A、give off B、get out C、break out D、make out 2.1.6 6 A、no B、many C、small D、Big 2.1.7 7 A、was B、is C、start D、Began 2.1.8 8 A、lasted B、continue C、stopped D、Began 2.1.9 A、methods B、researches C、studies D、Engines 2.1.10 10 A、written B、asked C、forgotten D、Said