单选题,3.3分] Not only _____ about the food, but he also refused to pay for it. A.he complained B.did he complain C.he had complained D.he did complain
[单选题,3.3分] Mary _______ the meeting yesterday. She was in the hospital. A.can not have attended B.can not attend C.must not have attended D.must not attend
[单选题,3.3分] Things will settle down as time goes by. They’ll never be the same, _____. A.instead B.yet C.though D.too
单选题,3.3分] I am not very good _____ maths. Would you please work out the total cost of our trip? A.in B.for C.on D.at
[单选题,3.3分] It was not until Mary arrived at the theatre _______ she realized she had forgotten her ticket. A.then B.and C.but D.that
[单选题,4.3分] The reason my sister didn’t go abroad was _______ a new job here. A.because she got B.that she got C.why she got D.that because she got
[单选题,5分] The food tastes _____ and sells _____. A.well;well B.good;good C.good;well D.well;good
[单选题,5分] It’s too late to go out now._____, it’s starting to rain. A.Besides B.Meanwhile C.However D.Anyhow
[单选题,5分] Nobody should be deprived _____ the right to education. A.from B.of C.away D.off
[单选题,5分] He’s been _____a new project which has to be finished by the end of next year. A.working out B.working on C.figuring out D.making out
[单选题,5分] It hasn’trained for a month. The garden needs ____. A.water B.to water C.to be watering D.watering
[单选题,5分] My sister is very keen _____ art. A.at B.on C.in D.for
[单选题,5分] The boy said he wouldn’teat _____. A.anylonger B.nolonger C.anymore D.nomore
[单选题,5分] In our country every boy and every girl ____ the right to education. A.has B.have C.is D.are
[单选题,5分] Why not trust and use David? He is still as strong as_____ in the team. A.somebody else B.everybody else C.anybody else D.nobody else