Not only_____ pets, they made them do strange things for their entertainment.
A.kept rich people
B.did rich people keep
C.rich people did keep
D.rich people kept

I wish I _____ the bike, I only made it wrong.
A.wouldn.t have tried
B.didn.t try
C.wouldn.t try
D.hadn.t tried

_____ the traffic jam, I wouldn.t have been late for the dinner party.
A.Only if
B.But for
C.Were it now
D.If not

It had to be done, otherwise I ____ it.
A.would have done
B.hadn.t done
C.had done
D.wouldn.t have done

Lets listen to the radio program that the teacher mentioned, ______?
A.will we
B.don.t we
C.shall we
D.do we

He ____ the bottle he put on the top of the shelf on Friday, but couldn.t found it.
A.figured out
B.arrived at
C.reached for
D.dealt with

Most people found themselves_____ about winning a million dollars as a path to happiness.
C.to daydream

____pop music has had a direct influence on ____ children.s lives.
A.Much; many
B.Few; many
C.A few; much
D.Little; much

_____a muscle injury, a musician should first consult a physical therapist.
A.because of
B.in case
C.instead of
D.in case of

I.ll talk to the supplier and _____ an order right away.
A.get him sending
B.get him to send
C.get him send
D.have him to send

If they _____ the hole in the sidewalk, this accident_____.
A.fix; will be avoided
B.fix; was avoided
C.had fixed; could have been avoided
D.have fixed; has been avoided

Swimmers get just____ exercise____joggers.
A.more; then
B.as much; as
C.as more; as
D.more; than

He ____ the letter from his brother when I ____ the room.
A.was reading; was entering
B.read; entered
C.was reading; entered
D. reading; entering

I hate_____ coffee at Ray.s Coffee Shop.

I recall____ him at that time as to why he had made the decision.
A.to question
D.to be questioned