_____ their real economic situations, they got some relief fund from the government.
A、 Considering
B、 Considered
C、 Having been considered
D、 Being considered

The only songs______approved by the Puritans were very sinple hymns.
A、 originally
B、 reluctantly
C、 unanimously
D、 formally

Dr. Hoffman proposed that we_______the meeting until next week. 
A、 put off 
B、 to put off
C、 putting off 
D、 need put off

He would not do _____ the doctor advised.
A、 as
B、 so
C、 so as
D、 as though

We consider_______the instrument be adjusted each time it is used. 
A、 that it necessary  
B、 it necessary that 
C、 necessary that
D、 necessary of it that

He was always attentive ____ my ideas.
A、 to
B、 with
C、 on
D、 at

Once he starts a job, he won’t stop_______it is finished.
A、 till 
B、 after 
C、 before 
D、 until

The decision _____, what is to be done now is how to carry it out. 
A、 been made
B、 has been made 
C、 having been made 
D、 having been making

Some hotel staff speak ____English.
A、 little
B、 small
C、 few
D、 scarcely

It was well known that Thomas Edison_______the electric lamp.
A、 invented
B、 discovered
C、 found
D、 developed

English is the necessary foreign language in our school’s ________.
A、 class
B、 course
C、 lesson
D、 curriculum

The students waited patiently _____ the results were being distributed.
A、 if
B、 unless
C、 while
D、 since

He decided to sell his farm and ___ a fresh start in business.
A、 open
B、 make
C、 take
D、 break

_____ of water makes Death Valley a desert, but it is by no means devoid.
A、 Lacking
B、 Being lack
C、 Because of lack
D、 Lack

The country’s first act would be to ________ for the navy. 
A、 employ
B、 invite 
C、 recruit 
D、 supply