She can.t help _____ the house because she.s busy making a cake.     得分/总分 A. B. cleaning B. D. being cleaned C. C. cleaned D. A. to clean
This passage is ______. 得分/总分 A. a letter B. a dialogue C. an article D. a talk
. Many people answered the advertisement because they wanted _______. 得分/总分 A. to sell their own pearl at a high price 2.00/2.00 B. to buy some beautiful pearls too C. to see the perfect pearl D. to buy a new pearl
---How do you find our company? ---A little worried. We _______ground as a leader in the field of IT with the others speeding up developmen. 得分/总分 A. have lost B. have being lost C. are lossing 2.00/2.00 D. lost
Those beliefs still among certain social groups. 得分/总分 A. please B. play C. prevail 2.00/2.00 D. plot
What exactly is the of television on children? 得分/总分 A. romantic B. temper C. influence 2.00/2.00 D. affection
Dr. Petrels _______, so he is called a singing doctor.          得分/总分 A. also sings to his patients on TV B. has been a doctor for ten years C. is popular with his patients D. always loved to sing
The thought of eating a rat is abhorrent to most people. 得分/总分 A. sweet, sugary. B. fun, lively. C. delicious, tasty. D. horrible, repugnant.
The snake slithered through the grass when he was hunting. 得分/总分 A. stopped moving. B. slept in the grass. C. ate something. D. moved or traveled.
The investigation barely _____ the surface of the city’s drug problem. 得分/总分 A. rose B. reflected C. scratched 2.00/2.00 D. came
Dick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, "I.m going to fly to New York next week because I.ve got some work there." "Where are you going to stay there?" his wife asked. "I don.t know yet."Dick answered. "Please send me your address from there in a telegram(电报)," his wife said. "All right," Dick answered. He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and the. He sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it. In the evening he didn.t have any work, so he went to a cinema. He came out at nine o.clock and said, "Now I.m going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner." He found a taxi(出租车)and the driver said,"Where do you want to go?" But Dick didn.t remember the name and address of his hotel. "Which hotel are my things in?" he said, "And what am I going to do tonight?" But the driver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he send his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote, "Please send me my address at this post office." Where did Dick stay in New York? 得分/总分 A. At his friend.s house B. In a restaurant C. In the center of the city. D. In a hotel