I don’t know whether to take up law or medicine. –________.(本题1.5分)
A、 I don’t know either.
B、 I’ll tell you.
C、 You should not ask me.
D、 I think you’d better take up law.

_______ a cold morning in January, I saw a stranger walking around the house.(本题1.5分)
A、 In
B、 At
C、 On
D、 For

What about having a drink? –________.(本题1.5分)
A、 Good idea.
B、 Help yourself.
C、 Go ahead, please.
D、 Me, too.

Do you know____girl with long curly hair? ---Yes.She is Mary.She plays____piano very well.(本题1.5分)
A、 a;/
B、 the;/
C、 the;the
D、 a;the

________. – Why not stay for another cup of tea?(本题1.5分)
A、 I’m pleased to meet you.
B、 See you some time later.
C、 I’d better leave now.
D、 I’m sorry I’m not free now.

I like playing _______ football while he likes playing _______ violin.(本题1.5分)
A、 / ;a
B、 the; the
C、 the; /
D、 / ; the

Have you heard the song Little Apple? --Is it _____ one Chopsticks Brothers sang last year?Maybe it’s ____ most popular god song in 2014.(本题1.5分)
A、 the; a
B、 the; the
C、 /; the
D、 the; /

I’m afraid I have to say goodbye to you. –________.(本题1.5分)
A、 I’m sorry.
B、 That’s all right.
C、 Never mind.
D、 See you.

Good night and thanks for everything. –________.(本题1.5分)
A、 You can’t say that.
B、 No, no. It’s what I can do.
C、 How can you say that?
D、 Good night.

______ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.(本题1.5分)
A、 It was the 1990s
B、 That it was in the 1990s
C、 It was in the 1990s
D、 During the 1990s

You shouldn.t have chosen that kind of book for me. —________(本题1.5分)
A、 Oh,don.t complain about gift.
B、 Sorry, I.ll give you a better one next time.
C、 What.s wrong with you?
D、 What can I do for you?

I was really anxious about you. You shouldn.t have left without a word. —________(本题1.5分)
A、 What not?
B、 Really?
C、 I don.t know
D、 I.m terribly sorry.

hat was a great dinner. —Thanks. But it really took only an hour.(本题1.5分)
A、 I have never had it before.
B、 I enjoyed it very much.
C、 You must have spent all day cooking
D、 Who cooked it?

—Would you like to go shopping with me?—_______(本题1.5分)
A、 Yes, I.d like to.
B、 Yes. Thank you.
C、 You are welcome.
D、 No. You are so kind