1、 look after / look around / look forward to / put off / set back / take out /take part in / take up / turn down / turn up 1. A:l’m sure our guests would love to (( ))the old town before they leave. B: Yes.Let’s ask Ben to show them some of the sights. [ 3 分 ]
2、 2. C: So, why did you (( )) their offer, then? D: Well, the schedule was absolutely horrible. [ 3 分 ]
3、 3.E: I (( ))to seeing the new head office. F: Me too.They say it’s in a superb location. [ 3 分 ]
4、 4.A: Do you think we should (( )) their offer? B: Yes, we’ve got to accept.The conditions are really good. [ 3 分 ]
5、 5.C: Who will(( ))our guests from Venezuela? D: Karen,as usual. She loves taking care of visitors. [ 3 分 ]
Let’s ask the waiter if they have a( )in Spanish for our guests. [ 2 分 ] A.menu B.recipe C.check
The Palace Restaurant is famous for its friendly and efficient( ) [ 2 分 ] A.starter B.prices C.service
3 .lt.s getting late. Shall we ask for the( )? [ 2 分 ] A.course B.bill C.card
lf you want to go to the Astoria, remember to ( ) a table in advance. [ 2 分 ] A.book B.check C.order
ln many countries, it is usual to leave a( )if you are satisfied with theservice. [ 2 分 ] A.pound B.note C.tip
1、 (( ))your market share increase last year? [ 2 分 ]
2、 (( )) kind of products do footballers endorse? [ 2 分 ]
3、 (( ))they doing any market research at the moment? [ 2 分 ]
4、 (( ))of these two products is more successful? [ 2 分 ]
5、 (( )) you met our new manager? [ 2 分 ]