1、 The hawk and soared away carrying a rabbit in its giant claws. A. swooped B. glided C. twisted D. fell
2、 The delegates of the two countries started the disarmament talks after an exchange of . A. courtesy B. honor C. pleasantry D. respect
3、 His parents were concerned about his heavy smoking and him for taking risks with his health. A. abused B. admonished C. abhorred D. abandoned
4、 His intelligence and integrity won unanimous of his colleagues. A. admiration B. interest C. enthusiasm D. amazement
5、 Hit by the recession, he lost his job and now has little income. A. rising B. national C. retirement D. disposable
6、 What is great about the Harry Potter series is that the reader is likely to be to examine their interpersonal relationships. A. simulated B. assimilated C. stimulated D. accumulated
7、 The new policy on sex discrimination is expected to discrimination in employment. A. illuminate B. predominate C. contaminate D. eliminate
8、 Lisa.s fairytale world came to a(n) end when her best friend was unexpectedly transferred to another school. A. comic B. impressive C. abrupt D. ridiculous
9、 Players are likely to be by the game.s slow pace and fishy subject matters. A. put out B. put down C. put up D. put off
10、 The leader of the secret organization requires all members to take a(n) of allegiance. A. note B. job C. oath D. order
1、 The fact that stables are suavely planned as the house implies that . A. horses are considered important B. horses are vulnerable to harsh weather C. horses are more useful than other farm animals D. horses are considered symbolic of a man.s rank
2、 In Paragraph 3, the word "ramble”means . A. move back and forth B. shake now and then C. extend in all directions D. appear out of nowhere
3、 In Paragraph 2, the expression "tree studded”means . A. tree-surrounded B. tree sheltered C. tree-dotted D. tree-shaded
4、 In Paragraph 2, the figure of speech used in the sentence "Having shut this clanking white gate... the big house," is . A. metaphor B. personification C. parallelism D. euphemism
5、 When I visit other big houses, I am struck by some quality that they all have—not so much isolation as mystery.