The moment you step foot in this vast park, you.ll know it was worth every mile. 翻译:每当你踏进这个巨大的公园,你都会觉得每一英里都是值得的。
It has spectacular views across the mouth of the bay to the distant Martin headlands . 翻译:从海湾的入口到遥远的马汀海岬,景色壮丽。
The first place we will visit is the Golden Gate Bridge. You can take pictures here. 翻译:我们要参观的第一个地方是金门大桥。你可以在这里带走照片。
There is a one-day package tour. 翻译:这里有为期一天的旅行团。
be famous for the Fisherman’s Wharf 翻译:以渔人码头而闻名
翻译 Transportation
翻译 Touring Spots
翻译 itinerary
翻译 be worth a visit
翻译 sweeping views
Yellowstone is famous for its. A、endless green prairies B、spectacular mountain ranges C、abundant wildlife D、geysers
Yellowstone park’s highlights are easily accessible , which can be reached from each of the park.s five entrances. A、by the freeway B、by the highway C、by the loop road D、on foot
What is the area of Yellowstone park? A、2 million acres B、2 million kilometers C、4 million acres D、4 million kilometers
Li Ming got to know Yellowstone National Park by the following means except . A、his friend B、some pictures online C、a video online D、an advertisement on TV
Which touring spot is mot mentioned in this unit? A、The Golden Gate Bridge B、Fisherman’s wharf C、Yellowstone National Park D、Walt Disney