1 a book when the telephone

Awas reading...rang
Cwas reading...was ringing

B. read...rang

This is the man last night.
A. whom I saw him B. whom I saw
C. who I saw him

Three Steps to a Good Marketing Budget
Without good hudget management,you are likely to overspend on marketing
accidentally. Here are three steps that help to make a good marketing budget.

Step 1:Organize financial information
The first step is to be clear of your current financial situation. You need to know how much money your company makes monthly and the changes that tight arise in the future. Although income flows change throughout the year,you must organize the information based on reliable
revenue—the minimum amount of money your company makes each month.
A realistic budget plan will always focus on the income that exceeds the expenses,not the total revenue that cotnes in. When you have determined the amount of disposable income
available for the company, you should determine where the money will go.
Step 2:Determine where you want to spend marketing funds
After you know the total amount available to spend on marketing,the next step is how you plan to spend that money. Three main factors decide how you spend marketing funds:
the budget amount, your past experiences, and where you can reach the right audience.
You will start organizing how to spend the funds based on the amount. Besides,you need to consider the strategies that have worked in the past. Also, you need consider which
marketing channels will allow you to reach the right audience.
Step 3:Assess data and make appropriate changes
The final step in building a good marketing budget is the analysis of the plan and any changes that may improve revenue. Ultimately,marketing is designed to bring in extra revenue. If the activity does not bring in any additional revenue over its cost, then it is better
to change strategy and try something else.
Assessing the data is a vital part of creating an effective marketing strategy. Evaluation begins with comparing past performance to the performance after marketing the product or
However,a good budget alone is not enough. You have to take action and remain committed to following through your plan. By keeping the budget in mind when you make decisions,you will have the opportunity to work out different strategies to find the best
solutions for your business goals and prevent overspending on marketing.
21.What should the budget plan be based on?
A. The company.s reliable expense. B. The company.s reliable income.
C. The company.s reliable cost.

22.What does“disposable income”mean in paragraph 3?
A. Total income. B.Previous income.
C.Net income.
23. You have to be clear of when organizing financial information.
A. the income and expenses B. the marketing fund
C.the budget management
24.The three main factors that decide how you spend marketing funds are
A. the money you have earned, the actual expenses and the money you will expend
B. the budget amount, your past experiences and where you can reach the
right audience
C. the assets you have, the product and the income
25.Keeping the budget in mind when making marketing decisions will avoid
A.using less than you earn B.using money unnecessarily
C.using more than you earn

The road system in Beijing.s central business district(CBD)is being re-designed to
make public transportation easy and improve efficiency.
Plans for 45 roads within the CBD have been approved,measuring 41.5 kilometers in
total. In addition to public buses, free or low price shuttle buses from residence areas to
subway stations will also be provided for commuters.
This is just over four times the number of roads opened in 2007,and will add another
15.5 km to the existing road network.
Besides roads,an underground traffic system has also been operating,which includes
four new subway lines beneath the CBD.
The underground connection system is made up of two levels. The first underground
floor is set aside mainly for pedestrians and commercial facilities, while the second
underground floor is planned for parking.
The city has also invested 140 million yuan to set up a traffic inquiry system,through
which the public can check traffic conditions online and see the most convenient routes on their GPS system. In the future,the CBD will be fully covered by an intelligent traffic
control system.
26.The rnad system in Beijing.s central business district (CBD)is being designed
27. Commuters can only take public buses from residence areas to subway stations.
28. The re-designed road will be 15.5 kilnmeters long.
29. The underground traffic system has four new subway lines beneath the CBD. 30.Both levels of the undergrnund connection system are planned for parking.

Write a short passage according to the information nf the following timetabl e.
Li Ming.s Timetable from Monday to Friday
(Na 3 Middle School)

Time Activity
6:30 get up
7:00 have breakfast
7:30 gn to school
8:30~12:05 have 4 classes
12:05 have lunch at schnnl
14:00~15:40 have 2 classes
15:40~16:40 play basketball / football
16:40 go home
18:00 have supper
18:30~22:00 do homework,watch TV,do sone reading
22:00 go to bed

Could I help you with the heavy box? You look so tired.
— I can manage it.
B. Yes,please.
C. All right.

How is everything going?
— ,we.ve been quite busy this month and there.s been quite a lot of
progress since the last inspection.
A. You can just look
B. As you can see
C. Please just look around

Jack won.t like the film,you know.
I don.t care what Jack thinks!
A. So why?
B. So what?
C. So how?

How did you miss your train?

A. Well,I was caught in the traffic jam.
B. What.s your proposal?
C. Never mind

I.m dog tired. I can.t walk any further,Tommy.
— ,Jenny. You can do it.
A. No problem
B. Come on
C. No hurry

.A bus driver the safety of his passengers.
A. is responsible in B. is responsible for
C. is responsible to

This is the man last night.
A. whom I saw him B. whom I saw
C. who I saw him

.Let.s discuss these problems at the meeting,
A. do we B. shall we
C. will you

If you need further information,please our office.
A. constant B. construct
C. contact

We have spent all of our spare time, ,our spare money,on the project.
A. as soon as B. as long as
C. as well as