Those overcoats are not available in your color and size.
This amounts to doing the whole thing over again.
The house has descended through four generations.
Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.
The first course of British meals is soup, ___1___ on shallow plates. Then comes fish; there is often a knife and fork ___2___ special shape. If you are in ___3___ surroundings, keep an eye open for what the others are doing. The next course generally ___4___ a joint of meat. Pudding is the fourth course. ___5___ that he has finished with a course, a person lays his knife and fork on his plate with the handles towards him. After the pudding or sweets, the ladies may get up and retire to the drawing-room, ___6___ the men a little longer over their wine, smoking and talking. When the ladies rise, the men get up too, ___7___, and resume their seats when they have left the room. Soon the men rejoin the ladies. It must not be imagined ___8___ all English people eat like this. As in all countries, working-class people can afford ___9___ the time nor the money to live like this. Their dinners are cooked not by a servant ___10___ by the mother of the family. All meals are much simpler than these served in the homes of the rich.
Your attitude toward money can be greatly influenced by your upbringing. If your parents had a negative ___1___ about money or wealth, you might easily imitate those feelings. While money may not buy happiness, it ___2___ pay for daily necessities. For some individuals financial security is still viewed ___3___ a dream that can never be achieved. If you feel you are "destined" to be poor, you could ___4___ fulfill that prophecy. A common factor that ___5___ generations of families living hand to mouth is the belief ___6___ you have to have money to create wealth. ___7___ in theory this is somewhat true, it does not mean that you have to start out with money in order to be successful financially. ___8___ you do have to have is a positive attitude. Keep in ___9___ you are limited only by yourself. ___10___ how you ended up in your current situation, you are the only person who can change your path.