Your attitude toward money can be greatly influenced by your upbringing. If your parents had a negative ___1___ about money or wealth, you might easily imitate those feelings. While money may not buy happiness, it ___2___ pay for daily necessities. For some individuals financial security is still viewed ___3___ a dream that can never be achieved. If you feel you are "destined" to be poor, you could ___4___ fulfill that prophecy. A common factor that ___5___ generations of families living hand to mouth is the belief ___6___ you have to have money to create wealth. ___7___ in theory this is somewhat true, it does not mean that you have to start out with money in order to be successful financially. ___8___ you do have to have is a positive attitude. Keep in ___9___ you are limited only by yourself. ___10___ how you ended up in your current situation, you are the only person who can change your path.
