Who is giving the introduction to emergency planning in the community? 选择一项: A. Leaflets about emergency planning. B. Incident. C. Disaster. D. The ambulance service, the police and fire departments. E. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning. F. The operator of 911. G. It is Tom. H. Emergency disaster planning.
What categories can we divide emergency planning into? 选择一项: A. Incident. B. Disaster. C. Emergency disaster planning. D. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning. E. It is Tom. F. The operator of 911. G. The ambulance service, the police and fire departments. H. Leaflets about emergency plannin
Which category is the highest-level of emergency planning? 选择一项: A. Emergency disaster planning. B. Incident. C. Disaster. D. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning. E. Leaflets about emergency planning. F. The ambulance service, the police and fire departments. G. It is Tom. H. The operator of 911.
Are earthquakes, typhoons and floods “disasters” or “incidents”? 选择一项: A. The ambulance service, the police and fire departments. B. Leaflets about emergency planning. C. It is Tom. D. Disaster. E. Incident. F. The operator of 911. G. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning. H. Emergency disaster planning.
Do we call a large fire an “incident” or a kind of “disaster”? 选择一项: A. Emergency disaster planning. B. The operator of 911. C. Incident. D. Disaster. E. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning. F. The ambulance service, the police and fire departments. G. It is Tom. H. Leaflets about emergency planning.
Who would be involved in emergency planning? 选择一项: A. Incident. B. Emergency disaster planning. C. The ambulance service, the police and fire departments. D. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning. E. The operator of 911. F. Disaster. G. It is Tom. H. Leaflets about emergency planning.
Who can tell you whether an emergency is a “disaster” or not? 选择一项: A. It is Tom. B. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning. C. Disaster. D. Emergency disaster planning. E. Incident. F. The operator of 911. G. Leaflets about emergency planning. H. The ambulance service, the police and fire departments.
If a resident wants to know how he should act in an emergency, what does he need to read? 选择一项: A. Disaster. B. The operator of 911. C. Emergency disaster planning. D. Incident. E. Leaflets about emergency planning. F. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning. G. It is Tom. H. The ambulance service, the police and fire departments.
How could we describe the 2014 Ebola outbreak? 选择一项: A. Not the first but the largest one. B. It did not ever threaten West Africa. C. The first one in western countries.
The 2014 Ebola outbreak response was 选择一项: A. an American stateside activity B. a regional activity C. an international activity
What does the word “massive” mean in Para. 3? 选择一项: A. Huge B. Quick C. Urgent
How many disease specialists from CDC have gone to West Africa for the Ebola response? 选择一项: A. Less than 100 B. A hundred C. More than 100
What action does CDC take to respond to the large Ebola outbreak?.How many disease specialists from CDC have gone to West Africa for the Ebola response? (copy) 选择一项: A. Work closely with governmental, national and international partners. B. Call for more partners to join this effort. C. Establish Emergency Operations Centers.
—Could I help you with your heavy box? You are so tired — _____________ I can manage it. 选择一项: A. No. thanks. B. Yes, please. C. All right.
—How did you find your visit to Qingdao, Joanna? —_____________ 选择一项: A. Oh, wonderful indeed. B. I went there alone. C. A guide showed me the way.