11[单选题,5分] Business people began to implement the marketing concept, ______ that involves the process of satisfying customer needs and achieving the organization’s goals. A.a worldview on business B.a European philosophy of marketing C.a business philosophy D.a well-knowing meaning
12[单选题,5分] A nation’s is the difference between the value of its exports and the value of its imports. A.payment of bills B.balance of trade C.balance of payments D.balance of goods
13[单选题,5分] Johnson has been sacked! People are saying he’s a victim of internal . A.politics B.performance C.decision D.voice
14[单选题,5分] International business covers all business activities that involve exchanges . A.within national boundaries B.outside national boundaries C.across national boundaries D.over national boundaries
15[单选题,5分] China’s primary stage of socialism will for over a hundred years. A.last B.skip C.backward D.stay
16[单选题,5分] We have a to shared prosperity. A.commission B.commitment C.competition D.commandment
17[单选题,5分] Those organizations can dominate their industry and experience positive growth. A.which respond to customer’s demands B.that make innovation a priority C.of being already obsolete D.which appeal to suppliers’need
18[单选题,5分] The principles in the Organizational Chaos Model can also be used to the company’s competition. A.introduce B.overcome C.understand D.explain
19[单选题,5分] Ford intended to Volvos and hoped to use Volvo’s technology to develop new cars. A.share B.focus C.distribute D.discover
20[单选题,5分] The expiry in 1999 of the “ ________” was probably the main reason for teaming up with Nissan. A.gentlemen’s agreement B.agreement for France C.Japanese agreement D.American agreement
1[填空题,20分] The most important shipping 1 is the bill of 2 . It is: firstly, a contract between the 3 and the shipping company; secondly, a receipt for the consignment; and thirdly, a document of 4 . It not only contains a full 5 of the consignment-numbers and weights and marks of packages, but a lot of other information as well. It lists the name of the shipper and the carrying vessel, the ports of 6 and 7 . The 8 , the name of the consignee, and the 9 of shipment, which is very important 10 a contractual point of view.
2[填空题,20分] The euro is 1 a tool to 2 political solidarity. This political motivation began when the idea of the European union and a 3 currency was first conceived. while it also has the economic effect of 4 the economies of participating countries , it ultimately does much more for the European union. Economically, the 5 advantages include: 6 of exchange-rate fluctuations, 7 transparency, lower transaction 8 , increased trade across borders, increased cross-border employment simplified billing, financial market 9 ,macro-economic stability, lower interest 10 , and structural reform for European economies.
3[填空题,20分] International trade-the exchange of goods and services 1 borders is often explained by the theory of comparative advantage which has become the cornerstone of modern thinking 2 international trade. This theory was produced by David Ricardo 3 was an English economist in the nineteenth century. This theory points out that trade between countries can be 4 beneficial even if a country is less 5 than another in the production of every commodity. As 6 as there are minor, relative differences in the efficiency of producing a commodity, 7 the poor country can have a comparative advantage in producing 8 comparative advantage is not a static concept. A country may 9 a particular comparative advantage purely through its own actions, independent of the endowments of nature. A case in point is Switzerland’s 10 advantage in watchmakin
4[填空题,20分] International investment can be classified into two categories: portfolio investment and foreign direct investment. portfolio investment is a kind of investment in 1 the investor does not exercise any managerial control. The investor either holds foreign bonds or other non-equity 2 which do not confer ownership rights or the investor holds stock shares (or other equities)in a foreign company in an amount 3 small to exercise any managerial control. In 4 foreign direct investment is a 5 equity investment in a foreign company that gives the investor managerial control 6 that company, foreign derect investments are mainly 7 out by multinational corporations . surveys and cases studies indicate that their common 8 for making foreign direct investments are based on strategic considerations involving market 9 ,technological know-how, reducing 10 of distribution and transportation, labor, raw materials and political factors.
5[填空题,20分] Reasons for the increasing use of counter trade include: firstly, the world debt 1 has made ordinary trade financing very 2 . Many countries cannot 3 the trade credit or financial 4 to pay for desired imports. Secondly, countries are increasingly returning to the notion of bilateralism as a way to reduce trade 5 . Thirdly, counter trade is often viewed 6 an excellent mechanism to gain entry 7 new markets. The party receiving the goods may become a new 8 , opening up new international marketing channels and ultimately 9 the market. And lastly, 10 counter trade services helps sellers differentiate its products from those of competitors.