[判断题] The meaning of "painful" is“徒劳的”.  A、 正确  B、 错误
[判断题] The meaning of "formal" is“正式的”.  A、 正确  B、 错误
[判断题] The antonym of "fruitful" is "infruitful".  A、 正确  B、 错误
[判断题] "put off"的过去时为"putted off".  A、 正确  B、 错误
[判断题] The English expression for “自传”is "autobiography".  A、 正确  B、 错误
[判断题] In the sentence “In the eleventh grade, at the eleventh hour as it were.” at the eleventh hour means "at the last moment".  A、 正确  B、 错误
[判断题] In the sentence "In the eleventh grade, at the eleventh hour as it were." "as it were" means "as one might say; so to speak"  A、 正确  B、 错误
[判断题] The English expression for “表妹”is "cousin".  A、 正确  B、 错误
[判断题] In the words"recapture" and "relive", the prefix is "re- ".  A、 正确  B、 错误
[单选题] Tony comes from Italy, so he is an _. 󰃆 A、American 󰃆 B、Italian 󰃆 C、Spanish 󰃆 D、Chinese
[单选题] What.s the meaning of "修剪草坪"?  A、mow the lawn 󰃆 B、mow the grass 󰃆 C、cut the lawn 󰃆 D、cut the grass
[单选题] Bill Gates is a _. 󰃆 A、runner 󰃆 B、farmer  C、businessman 󰃆 D、manufacturer
[单选题] The board of education is responsible for hiring teachers and other school _.  A、personnel 󰃆 B、personal 󰃆 C、private 󰃆 D、person
[单选题] I stay late in the library after school. 󰃆 A、Some time 󰃆 B、Sometime 󰃆 C、Some times  D、Sometimes
[单选题] We’ll go out as soon as I’ve _ the kitchen. 󰃆 A、cleaning off 󰃆 B、cleaning up  C、cleaned up 󰃆 D、cleaned off