Lots of people attend continuing education classes because ________. A) the classes will help them feel better about themselves B) there are many courses they can choose from C) they can also go to church at the same time D) learning is something they are interested in doing
We can learn from the passage that ________. A) college education is not important B) adult education is very popular C) other kinds of learning are more important than school learning D) continuing education classes teach the same courses that are taught in colleges
What makes the brain better able to process information? A) Vigorous physical exercise. B) Skill-based exercise. C) Both of them. D) Neither of them.
While _______ of rats showed a greater number of brain connections, _______ had a greater density of blood vessels in the brain. A) the first group / the third group B) the second group / the third group C) the first group / the second group D) the second group / the first group
One possible reason for scientists to make experiments with rats or other animals is that _________. A) rats benefit from the experiments B) the experiments can boost the brains of the rats C) an effect found in rats may also apply to humans D) rats and humans are very much alike
Which word in Paragraph 6 tells us that older adults were divided into groups in the human studies? A) Corresponding. B) Inactive. C) Older. D) Faster.
Which of the following is not a finding that results from the studies of older adults? A) Regular exercise can improve the speed with which the brain processes information. B) Inactive adults can hit buttons faster in response to a tone after being trained. C) Getting old is the cause for the reduction in mental function. D) Exercise can make one smarter.
What is the main idea of the passage? A) Earthquake engineers with experience and knowledge. B) Some factors for building design in earthquake engineering. C) Buildings to withstand all possible earthquakes. D) Equal consideration in earthquake engineering.
The word “demolish” in the second paragraph means ____________. A) pull down B) pull up C) pull away D) pull apart
Which of the following is not true about the new design requirement? A) Building should remain integrated in an earthquake. B) Building should be reconstructed after an earthquake. C) Building should let people escape in an earthquake. D) Building should be made to avoid rebuilding after an earthquake.
The damage of all the following causes the death of people except ____________. A) dams and bridges B) buildings and dams C) bridges and buildings D) some works like steel works and brick works
When assessing buildings, we should take into account the ___________. A) undamaged buildings B) man-made structures C) effect of aftershocks D) rescue operations
According to the passage, man’s intelligence _________. A) stays the same throughout the year B) varies from day to day C) changes with the seasons D) changes from year to year
Ellsworth Huntington decided that climate and temperature have _________. A) a great effect on everyone’s intelligence B) some effect on most people’s intelligence C) some effect on a few people’s intelligence D) no effect on most people’s intelligence
Ellsworth Huntington’s conclusion was based on _________. A) variations of his own mental abilities from season to season B) the results of research done by him and other scientists among peoples in different climates C) detailed records of temperature changes in different places D) detailed records of different ways of thinking among peoples in different climates