【单选题】Who based many of his fables on those of Aesop? A、Jean de La Fontaine B、Bernard Shaw C、Benjamin Stein D、Russell Baker
【单选题】 What can we learn from the fable "The Dove and the Ant"? A、 Failure is success if we learn from it. B、 Two wrongs don.t make a right. C、 Every good deed we do for others will surely come back to us. D、 Don.t count your chickens before they.re hatched.
【单选题】 Which of the following is Not a Chinese fable? A、 The Frog in the Shallow Well B、 His Spear against His Shield C、 Blessing or Bane D、 The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
【单选题】 The saying, "Laziness is like a lock, which bolts you out of the storehouse of information…", is said by___________. A、 Bernard Shaw B、 Benjamin Stein C、 Russell Baker D、 Diane Husker
【单选题】 What is implied in Geoffrey.s story? A、 Geoffrey understood the teacher.s words clearly. B、 Geoffrey is good at thinking. C、 Geoffrey.s mother is cleverer than him. D、 It can show the intellectual laziness among young people.
【单选题】What.s the writing style of this text? A、Argumentative writing B、Narrative writing C、Expository writing D、Descriptive writing
【单选题】 What.s the author.s opinion in part one? A、 Teenagers. idleness and ignorance will produce serious effect on all concerned and for society as a whole. B、 Teenagers. idleness and ignorance will produce positive effect on all concerned and for society as a whole. C、 Teenagers. idleness and ignorance won.t produce any serious effect at all. D、 Teenagers. idleness and ignorance will produce serious effect only on themselves.
【单选题】 What does Not the author tell us in part one in order to introduce his opinion? A、 A teenage salesgirl was unable to do simple mental calculations. B、 A class of 60 seniors at a private college were impossible to write a short paper without misspellings. C、 Many students I see know nothing about world history or geography. D、 A friend.s lazy 26-year-old daughter who preferred to go to school.
【单选题】 How many Kevin Hanley.s are mentioned here in part two? A、Five B、Six C、Seven D、Eight
单选题】 What did Not Kevin Hanley 1990 see in his dream? A、 His forebears B、 His children C、 Himself D、 His wife
单选题】What.s the Chinese meaning of "ignorant man" ? A、勇敢的男人 B、无知的男人 C、精明的男人 D、愚蠢的男人
【单选题】How to say "积累财富" in English? A、accumulate dung B、accumulate gold coins C、accumulate fortune D、accumulate in fortune
【单选题】The machine won.t ______well if you don.t use it correctly. A、function B、accumulate C、drive home D、swear
单选题】Which is the correct translation to the sentence "To drive this message home to such young Americans,..."? A、要将这个信息驱动给这样的美国年轻人 B、开车把信息带回家给年轻的美国人 C、把这条短信传递给这样的美国年轻人 D、为使这样的美国青年彻底认识到这一点
【单选题】Which is Not the correct translation to the sentence "我发誓只眷恋你一个人"? A、I swear that I only have eyes for you. B、I swear to have eyes only for you. C、I swear only having eyes for you. D、I swear I only have eyes for you.