[单选题,10分] When people are segregated in ________ workshops, they miss out on the opportunities of interacting, working in a meaningful job and being part of the community at large. A.shielded B. sheltered C. hidden D. concealed
单选题,10分] Online courses require students to make decisions ________ on facts as well as experience. A.to base B.basing C.based D.being based
[单选题,10分] Autumn.s parents didn.t permit her to date and insisted Autumn ________ Japanese school on Saturdays. A. attend B. attends C. attending D.to attend
[单选题,10分] In the smoke and dust and darkness, people ________ to one another grabbing hands and linking arms, they formed a human chain that made its way down stairwells and corridors and out into the sunlight of an unthinkable day. A.a great scientist as B.as great a scientist as C. as a great scientist as D.such a great scientist as
[单选题,10分] In today.s business world, having a solid Internet ________ is critical to success. A. presence B.absence C.present D.accent
[单选题,10分] Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply ________. A.declined B. lessened C.descended D.slipped
[单选题,10分] When people are segregated in ________ workshops, they miss out on the opportunities of interacting, working in a meaningful job and being part of the community at large. A. shielded B.sheltered C. hidden D.concealed
[单选题,10分] A ________ to this problem is expected to be found before long. A. result B.response C.settlement D.solution
[多选题,10分] Who will teach _____English next term? A.us B.you C.our D. your
单选题,10分] How much vinegar did you put in the soup?——I’m sorry to say, ____. I forget. A.no B.no one C.nothing D.none
[多选题,10分] Would you please_______ the radio? A.turn down B.turn on C. turn off D. turn up
单选题,10分] --What do you think of the book? ---Oh, excellent.It. s worth ____a second time. A.to read B.to be read C.reading D.being read
[多选题,10分] He lived here _____1983. A.after B.in C. from D.since
[多选题,10分] The teacher and writer______ coming to our school. A.were B.are C.will be D. have been E.was
[翻译题,4分] 由于糖用完了,她没做成蛋糕