It should be on everyone.s mind. 选择一项: a. in everyone.s thoughts b. in everyone.s opinion
Your safety at work is your business. 选择一项: a. your most valued project b. something you are concerned with
Your complaints fall on deaf ears. 选择一项: a. are processed b. are ignored
Don.t wait for others to pick up the ball. 选择一项: a. work together b. solve the problem
What can hackers do through the gaping holes? 选择一项: A. They can.t steal credit card details from retailers. B. They can pass the security check without being found out. C. They can remotely control technology in hotel rooms.
The threat of cyber attack was so serious that ______________. 选择一项: A. it has spread into nearly every corner B. no security failure was reported by any company C. cyber security has got no attention yet
Many of the attacks companies report focus on ____________? 选择一项: A. the collapse of computer system B. run technology in hotel rooms C. the loss of consumer data
Mr. Geer claimed that __________ should pay to fix public holes in software. 选择一项: A. the US government B. the consumers C. the companies
According to Kevin Mandia, the threat from cyber crime _________________. 选择一项: A. should be eliminated B. is to blame C. is to stay
What is Alex doing? 选择一项: A. He is receiving the guests. B. He is conducting a survey on the new employees. C. He is holding a meeting.
Is Alex an HR in the company? 选择一项: A. No. B. Not mentioned. C. Yes.
According to the research into RSI.s, what can prevent injuries? 选择一项: A. New chairs. B. Good chairs. C. Proper chair height.
Simon makes the decision partly due to ________. 选择一项: A. his own awareness of health care B. her mother.s repetitive stress injuries C. professional training and team-building days
What is NOT mentioned in the dialog? 选择一项: A. Money. B. Health. C. Investment in staff.
Ebola is spread through direct contact with blood, saliva, semen or vomit. 选择一项: 对 错