After practicing as a surgeon for several years. Dr. Ginoux decided to apply for membership in the American College of Surgeons(美国外科医生学会), a highly selective and distinguished professional organization. As part of the application procedure(手续), Dr. Ginoux was asked to prepare a list of all the operations performed in the precious seven years. Slowly, as she worked on the long list, she began to feel uncertain. She began to question some of her decisions. Had she used the best technique in that case? Maybe, in this case, she should have run one more test before operation? On the other hand, maybe she should have… Would the doctors on the selection committee understand that, as the only trained surgeon in the area, she usually could not get advice from others and therefore, had to rely completely on her own judgment? For the first time, Dr. Ginoux felt lonely and isolated. The longer Dr. Ginoux worked on the application forms, the more depressed she became. As hope faded, she wondered if a “country doctor” had a realistic chance of being accepted by the American College of Surgeons. (1). (单选题) Dr. Ginoux was working in _______ .( )(本题4.0分) A、 a large city B、 the American College of Surgeons C、 an area far from any big city D、 a selective organization
The application forms must include _______ .( )(本题4.0分) A、 the decision procedure B、 a record of all the operations C、 the best technique D、 a list of advice and judgments
It was most probable that Dr. Ginoux was _______ .( )(本题4.0分) A、 a member in that organization B、 a well-trained surgeon C、 a graduate from the American College of Surgeons D、 a distinguished surgeon in America
When she was filling the application forms, Dr. Ginoux began to be ______ .( )(本题4.0分) A、 realistic B、 distinguished C、 perplexed D、 decisive
When filling the forms, Dr. Ginoux felt depressed because ______ .( )(本题4.0分) A、 she didn’t perform enough operations B、 some operations were unsuccessful C、 she didn’t get advice from the selection cmmittee D、 she was doubtful about her operations