(单选题) I’ll never get married— I don‘t wantto spend my life surrounded by dirty washing and ( ).(本题1.0分) A、 children screaming B、 screaming children C、 screamed children D、 children screamed
(单选题) All the doctors hold the view that plenty of fresh air ( ) to good health.(本题1.0分) A、 contributes B、 attributes C、 distributes D、 entributes
单选题) That company doesn..t take credit cards, so customers have to pay ( ).(本题1.0分) A、 dollars B、 finance C、 money D、 cash
(单选题) Albert ( ) his homework yesterday, so he couldn..t come to the party.(本题1.0分) A、 must do B、 may have done C、 ought to do D、 had to do
(单选题) It’s a good idea to ( ) a new pair of shoes before you buy them.(本题1.0分) A、 try to B、 try on C、 try at D、 try in
(单选题) Beethoven is my favorite musician. I regard him as ( ) other musicians.(本题1.0分) A、 A superior to B、 more superior than C、 more superior to D、 superior than
(单选题) " Have you told her about it ?" "Sorry, I forget ( ) about it."(本题1.0分) A、 telling her B、 being told C、 to tell her D、 having told her
(单选题) He said he wished to ( ) the opportunity to thank us for our work.(本题1.0分) A、 take B、 gain C、 stand D、 hold
(单选题) I shall show you my photographs as soon as they ( ) ready.(本题1.0分) A、 will be B、 will have been C、 have been D、 are
(单选题) He is not ( ) he used to be.(本题1.0分) A、 what B、 that C、 when D、 like
(单选题) The professor has given the students a list of articles ( ) the topic under discussion.(本题1.0分) A、 relevant to B、 related with C、 associated with D、 associated to
(单选题) I could ( ) understand my roommate’s jokes but I laughed anyhow.(本题1.0分) A、 really B、 absolutely C、 barely D、 exactly
(单选题) He looked at the magician..s tricks in ( ).(本题1.0分) A、 improvement B、 amazement C、 acknowledgement D、 refreshment
(单选题) The politician waited for the applause to die down(消失) and then ( ) with his speech.(本题1.0分) A、 presented B、 processed C、 proceeded D、 progressed
(单选题) Nobody says a word about the incident, ( ) ?(本题1.0分) A、 does he B、 doesn.t he C、 do they D、 don.t they