Situation: Two persons are talking in the classroom.
Speaker A: May I use your dictionary? Mine is at home.
Speaker B: _________.

a. Thanks a lot
b. I. d love to
c. You.re welcome
d. Sure. Here you are

Situation: Two persons are talking at school.
Speaker A: Will you please take a message for the head teacher?
Speaker B: _________.
a. Yes, I.ll take
b. I can help you
c. Sure. I.ll be glad to.
d. It doesn.t matter

Situation: A and B are talking about a lecture.
Speaker A: I’ve just heard that the lecture (讲座)to be given by Professor Li has been cancelled(取消).
Speaker B: Oh, no! _____________________________

a. It’s wonderful.
b. It doesn’t matter.
c. I have no idea.
d. I was looking forward to that.

Situation: A introduces his mother to B.
Speaker A: This is my mother, Mrs. Wang.
Speaker B: _______________.
a. Nice to meet you! 解析:Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你;Thanks多谢;OK好吧;Sorry抱歉。根据上文,王老师,这是我的母亲。可知选A最符合语境。
b. OK
c. Sorry
d. Thanks

Situation: Apologize and responses
Speaker A: I am sorry for what I have said to you.
Speaker B:________.

a. It’s just too bad
b. No problem
c. Don’t think any more about it 解析:题干的意思是, 很抱歉以前对你说的那些话。选项 D 意思是, 我不太确定。选项 A 和选项 D 答非所问。选项 B 是别人提出请求要求帮忙, 时常见的回答。选项 C 的回答很确切, 因此只有C是最佳选项。
d. I’m sure about that

. Situation: Two persons are talking in the hotel.
Speaker A:I would like to file a complaint of the poor service of your hotel.
Speaker B: __________
a. I am sorry to hear that. 解析:第一个说话人说,我想投诉你们酒店的服务。 第二个说话人回应,非常抱歉给你带来不好感受。
b. You are always troublesome.
c. I have no time to listen to you.
d. I am so glad to see you.

Situation: Two persons are talking in the office.
Speaker A:Mary, would you please work out a schedule for tomorrow’s meeting?
Speaker B: __________
a. All right. I’ll do it right away. 解析:第一个说话人问,玛丽,是否可以制定明天的会议议程? 第二个说话人回应,好,我马上做。A 你在开玩笑,B 没关系,C 不用了,谢谢,都不符合语境与逻辑。所以选D。
b. You are kidding.
c. No, thanks.
d. Never mind.

Situation: Ask for details.
Speaker A:Excuse me. What’s the date today?
Speaker B: Let me see. __________
a. Nov. 15th. 解析:说话人问道“What’s the date today?”,关键词date意为“日期”,回答日期只能用选项A。
b. Friday.
c. Christmas Day.
d. New Year.s Day.

Situation: Two persons are talking in the hotel .
Speaker A: I’d like to have a single room with bath today.
Speaker B: __________
a. Of course, you can.
b. Go ahead.
c. I’m sorry, but all the rooms are booked. 解析:第一个说话人说,“我今天想要个带浴室的单人间”; 礼貌回答应该是:“很抱歉,所有的单人房间已订满了”。
d. The single room is expensive.

. Situation: Two friends are talking about swimming.
Speaker A: I love swimming in a lake. It’s so much better than in the ocean.
Speaker B: ___________! I like to swim in a pool.

a. So what
b. Good for me
c. Me, either
d. I don’t think so

Situation: A is greeting B.
Speaker A: Hello,Jim.
Speaker B: ________.
a. Thank you
b. Yes
c. Hello,Kate 解析:原句意思是:嗨,吉姆!嗨,凯特! A.Yes是;B.Thank you谢谢你;C.Hello,Kate 嗨,凯特;D.Yes,Kate是的,凯特。。
d. Yes,Kate

Situation: Two people are talking in the company.
Speaker A: Long time no see. ______?
Speaker B:Very well. Thanks a lot.

a. How are you doing 解析:考查见面问候的说法。How old are you?你多大了?Where have you been?你去哪儿了?What are you doing?你在干什么?How are you doing?你好吗?根据答语"非常好。谢谢!"可知,问句为"好久不见,你好吗?"。
b. Where have you been
c. How old are you
d. What are you doing

Situation: Two persons are talking about weekend plan.
Speaker A: I.m leaving for Canada on a study trip next week.
Speaker B:. __________?

a. Enjoy your trip 解析:Enjoy your trip.旅途愉快。That.s all right.没关系。You are very kind.你很和蔼。It.s a pleasur 我很乐意。句意∶“————下周我将去加拿大游学。————旅途愉快。”
b. You are very kind
c. It.s a pleasure
d. That.s all right

Situation: Two persons are talking about a matter.
Speaker A: Are they coming to help us?
Speaker B: .
a. I hope so 解析:I hope so我希望如此,表示说话人的愿望“希望他们会来帮助我们”。
b. I do hope
c. I hope they do
d. I do so

Situation: A boy is talking to his mother.
Speaker A: Everybody is going to climb the mountain. Can I go, Mom?
Speaker B: . Wait till you are old enough, dear.
a. Why not?
b. I hope so.
c. I.m afraid not. 解析:此处考察如何拒绝别人。句意∶"——每个人都要去爬山,我能去吗,妈妈?——恐怕不行。亲爱的,等你长大吧。"I.m afraid not.恐怕不行。故选 D。
d. Will you?