– How about going to the cinema? – ___________ 选择一项: A. Enjoy yourself! B. Good luck! C. Sounds like a good idea!
– May I open the window to let in some fresh air? –___________ 选择一项: A. Come on B. Take care. C. Go ahead!
He asked his neighbor to ________ his house. 选择一项: A. keep an eye on B. keep their eyes on C. keep their eyes open
I have trouble in ________ my homework. 选择一项: A. do B. done C. doing
A dictionary may define genetics _________ simply “the science of the study of heredity”. 选择一项: A. with B. to C. as
1. Parents are too busy to spend time teaching their kids right from wrong. 回答 A.父母不会太忙,所以有时间教导孩子明辨是非。 B. 父母都太忙,没有时间教导孩子明辨是非。 C. 父母很忙,但是也抽时间教导孩子明辨是非。
2. Attend parenting classes, or join a local support group if you are having trouble understanding how to exercise discipline. 回答 A.如果在理解如何管教孩子方面有困难,你可以参加父母课程或者当地的支持团体。 B.如果你在理解练习纪律方面有困难,可以参加父母课程学习或者加入当地的帮助团体。 C.如果在理解练习管教孩子方面有困难,参加父母课程学习或者加入当地的帮助团体是有用的。
As millions of people have access to the Internet, criminals look for potential victims online. 回答 A.当成千上万的人们接受网络,犯罪分子就会寻找网上的潜在受害者。 B. 由于成千上网的人们具备了上网条件,犯罪分子就会悄悄地物色受害者。 C. 由于成百上千万的人们具备了上网条件,犯罪分子会在线物色潜在的受害者。
Use software that blocks out certain inappropriate websites in case you can.t keep an eye anytime. 回答 A.利用软件画出不良网站的轮廓,这样你就不用时时关注了。 B. 利用软件阻挡一些不良网站,以免有时你无暇照看。 C. 利用软件剔除不良网站避免不时浏览到。
5. When you are suspicious of the website, check it out before you pay any money. 回答 A.当你怀疑的时候,你要检查支付的网站。 B. 当你觉得网站可疑,支付之前要严加核实。 C. 当你怀疑支付的金额时,要留意相关网站。
-We.ve worked for a long time, what about stopping a while to have a rest? -_____________________. 选择一项: A. I like it. B. You are wonderful. C. That.s a good idea.
-It.s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? -_____________________. 选择一项: A. Yes, please B. No, go ahead C. Sure, please
People wear _____ suits on formal occasions. 选择一项: A. informal B. formal C. casual
He left the company by mutual ______ last September. 选择一项: A. content B. convent C. consent
Parents transmit some of their _____ to their children. 选择一项: A. characteristics B. character C. characteristic