He focused his mind on his lesson. A) 他按时做功课。 B) 他把心思集中在功课上。 C) 他一直在做功课。
I am very sorry for coming late, but something urgent came up at the last minute. A) 我很抱歉来晚了,但我在最后一分钟里想起了 某件事儿。 B) 我很抱歉迟到了,但我临走时突然遇到了急事儿。 C) 我很抱歉要迟来,但我将在最后一分钟里紧急处理好某件事情。
I want to make a difference to the world. A) 我想让世界变得与众不同。 B) 我想让世界为我改变。 C) 我想对世界有所影响。
What is Liu Hui invited to do?
What are the volunteers supposed to do when they meet the victims of domestic abuse?
Where will the two volunteers meet?
Tomorrow will be fine. Shall we go out for a picnic? - ____________________ 选择一项: A. Sounds great! B. Good luck! C. Have fun!
- Seat belts save lives. - ____________________ 选择一项: A. I won.t put on my seat belt. B. I will put on my seat belt. C. It.s true. I agree.
____________ she wins____________ loses, this is her last chance. 选择一项: A. If...or B. Whether...or C. Whether...or not
____________ he left school at 16, he still managed to become a great writer. 选择一项: A. Even though B. Even if C. Even although
The traffic accident ____________ three days ago. 选择一项: A. happens B. took place C. was occurred
Our classroom is____________ beautiful than theirs. 选择一项: A. more B. very C. much
1. Zhao Xin is studying in the Open University now.回答 2. His major is marketing.回答 3. He is looking after the elderly at a nursing home nowadays.回答 4. He wants to change the world and make it better.回答 5. He is proud of being a social worker.回答
A large family may have more than two generations, and there are more than two adults from different generations of a family. 选择一项: A. 一个大家庭的成员至少包括两代、含有超过两个来自不同辈分的成年人。 B. 一个大家庭的成员至少包括三代、含有至少两个来自不同辈分的成年人。 C. 一个大家庭的成员至少包括三代、含有超过两个来自不同辈分的成年人。