2.All newbies are offered an individually tailored_____and development program.(train)
1.At the age of five he showed exceptional talent as a____.(music)
Translation Please translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.There is an ongoing debate on the issue. 2.The houses in my hometown were chiefly composed of wood. 3.The professor walked out of the hall,followed by his assistants. 4.Not knowing his address,I can.t write to him. 5.He was unrecognized in his disguise.
A. like B. in C. around D.to E.toward When it comes _____1 gravity,the larger an object is,the stronger its force is.A person creates gravity but not enough to pull objects ____2 him or cause things to go into orbit ___3 him.On the other hand,a planet has enough gravity to pull objects into orbit around it.A star makes enough gravity that it can pull whole solar systems into its orbit,____4 ours.Our sun.s gravity is so strong that it keeps an object-Pluto-that is roughly 3.7 billion miles away____5 orbit.
5._____it is raining,you.d better take a taxi. A. If B.Provided C.Due to D. As
4._____more time,we could have done it better. A.Given B.Having given, C. Giving D.Being given
3.An_____computer will be an indispensable diagnostic tool for doctors. A.essential B.smart C.intelligent D.sentient
2.He said he would be poor____get money in such a dishonest way. A.in order to B.instead of C.than D.rather than
1.Make sure this meat cooks for___an hour. A. at large B. in any case C. at least D.at last
5. The population of the earth____increase fast. One third of the population here_____. A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are
4. Who____the girl singing in the next room?Who____these people over there? A. are;are B. are;is C .is;are C. is;is
3.The students in our school each_____an English dictionary. A. are having B. had C. has D. have
2. Twenty miles____a long way to cover. A. seem to be B. is C. are D. were
1.Neither he nor I____for the plan. A.were B. is C.are D.am
5.-Don.t think in Chinese when you.re speaking English. --_____ A. You are quite right.I just think in Chinese. B. I.m sorry,but I think in English. C. You can say that again. D. It.s nonsense.