Situation: The woman is making a complaint that something is wrong with the machine.
M: Can I help you, madam?
W: Yes, I bought a washing machine in your shop last week. __________.
a. But it doesn.t work now 解析:对话中男士问有什么可以帮忙的,女士对自己购买的故障商品(something is wrong with the machine)进行投诉,所以回答说上周买的洗衣机不能用了,故选B。
b. I want to get my money back now
c. It costs too much
d. It works well now

Situation: Two persons are talking in the job interview.
Speaker A: Do you know anything about our company?
Speaker B: __________
a. Yes. I don’t know.
b. Yes. It is one of the top 10 in the IT industry in the country. 解析:第一个说话人说,你对我们公司有了解吗。 第二个说话人应回答对公司的了解情况,是全国IT行业十大顶流公司之一。所以选B。 其他选项语境不符。
c. Yes.I am .
d. It doesn’t matter

Situation: Two are talking about buying a house.
M: When we buy a house, we must have two bathrooms and two sitting rooms.
W: Yes, __________
a. we’ll have some food there.
b. and the kitchen must be large. 解析:听对话时注意语境信息词:根据男士的陈述可知他们想买房子,提到了“bathrooms”(浴室), “ sitting rooms”(起居室),而且“kitchen”要大。
c. we’ll invite some friends to sing along with us.
d. there’re some coupons in the market.

Situation: Speaker A is asking Speaker B about her grandmother.
Speaker A: Linda, what.s wrong with your grandmother?
Speaker B: _______________.
a. She hurt her leg 解析:本题考查的是如何回应他人的关心, Speaker B应遵循英语会话的合作原则, 回答“She hurt her leg”意思是“她弄伤了腿”。A选项意思是“她没有退休”;C选项意思是“她买了一座新房”;D选项是“她碰见了一个老友”;都不符合会话中的合作原则,所以选择B。
b. She met an old friend
c. She got a new house
d. She is not retired

Situation:Bai Mei meets John in the court.
Speaker A: Why are you in court today?
Speaker B: ______________
a. I came here with a friend.
b. Nice to meet you.
c. I got a ticket(传票), and I would like to fight it. 解析:本题考查法律英语相关词汇。问句:“你今天怎么来法庭了?”根据题意,可以判断B答案:“法院给了我传票,我要为自己辩护”为最佳答案。
d. It’s my pleasure.

. Situation:Two people meet a singer Jack.
-Look! Is that Jack, the singer?
- ________ I like him very much.

a. Who is Jack?
b. I don’t know him.
c. It can’t be him.
d. Oh, my God! 解析:前者看到了歌手杰克,后者表示很喜欢他;Oh, my God!“噢,我的天啊”表示惊讶,I don’t know him.“我不认识他”,Who is Jack?C项“谁是杰克?”,It can’t be him“不可能是他”,根据前后对话,最符合的是Oh, my God!

Situation: A person’s birthday is coming.
Speaker A: Happy birthday to you, Mary.
Speaker B: ________
a. The same to you.
b. Thank you. 解析:句意:——Mary,祝你生日快乐。——谢谢你。考查情景交际。Have a nice day祝你有美好的一天;See you再见;The same to you你也一样;Thank you谢谢你。根据“Happy birthday to you”可知,对于对方的祝愿应表示感谢,。
c. See you.
d. Have a nice day.

Situation: Two persons are talking about a matter.
Speaker A: Are they coming to help us?
Speaker B: _______.

a. I do so
b. I do hope
c. I hope they do
d. I hope so

Situation: Two people are talking about their friend.

—I think George doesn’t really care for TV plays.
—_______, but he still watches the program.

a. He isn.t
b. Right 解析:对George不喜欢看电视节目表示赞同。但是他仍然还在观看,Right表示赞同。
c. Oh no,
d. So

Situation: A wants to borrow B’s ruler.
Speaker A: Excuse me, may I use your ruler?
Speaker B: Of course. ________.

a. I d love to.
b. Here you are. 解析:句意:——打扰一下,我可以用一下你的尺子吗?——当然可以。给你。考查情景交际。Not at all.根本不。Here you are.给你。I d love to.我愿意。I m so busy.我很忙。根据“Excuse me, may I use your ruler?”可知,是借用东西,所以答语“给你”符合语境,。
c. I m so busy.
d. Not at all

Situation: Two persons are talking in the office.
Speaker A:Linda, do you work in the same office with Peter?
Speaker B: __________. But we are on the same floor.
a. No, I don’t. 解析:第一个说话人问,你和皮特是在一个办公室工作吗? 第二个说话人回应,不是同一间办公室,但是在同一楼层。
b. Yes, we do.
c. No, I am not.
d. Yes, we are.

Situation: Recognize someone.
Speaker A:Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from America?
Speaker B: Oh, __________
a. thank you.
b. with pleasure.
c. here you are.
d. yes

Situation: Two persons are talking in the hospital.
Speaker A: Doctor, I work from Monday through Friday.
Speaker B: __________
a. You are so great.
b. I’m sorry to hear that.
c. Then come to see me this weekend. 解析:第一个说话人说:医生,我周一到周五都要上班。因此医生应该是要第一个说话人这个周末来看医生,所以选A:C和D 与回答语境不符,B逻辑不符合。
d. Then come to see me anytime.

Situation: Two speakers are talking about future career.
W: Have you ever thought about your future career?
M: Sure. I like writing novels since I was a teenager, so I’d like to be _____ in the future.
a. a writer 解析:本题询问男士将来想做什么。根据男士的回答 “ I like writing novels since I was a teenager”可知男士将来想成为一名作家。
b. a doctor
c. a musician
d. an engineer

Situation: At the supermarket.
Speaker A: I hope they have all that stuff at the supermarket.
Speaker B: ________ We can also look online for the things we like.

a. It beats me.
b. How can I know?
c. What’s the point?
d. It doesn’t matter if they don’t.