.These people had to suffer hunger because they had almost food. A.run after B.run out of C. run over D.run away with
Kids,especially boys, their shoes quickly. A.wear out B.leave alone C.lay down D.cut down
When John left the office,Amy at her desk. A.is still working B.has still worked C.was still working D.had still worked
I sent him the package yesterday.He it by now. A.receives B.received C.will receive D.might have received
Several novels by Mo Yan into English so far. B.were translated A. had been translated D.have been translated C.are translated
The old man,together with his neighbors, the performance when it began to rain. D.were enjoying A.have enjoyed B. has enjoyed C.was enjoying
My teacher recommended that I as careful as possible when I took an exam. A.will be B. be D.were C. am
Don.t remind me of that awful day;I such a fool of myself. A.made B.make C.will make D. am making
I remembered that the air conditioners turned off before I left home. A.were B. were to be C.had been D.have been
Take an umbrella with you in case it A. may rain B.could rain C.rained D.rains
This time tomorrow,I_ on the beach,enjoying the sunshine! A.am sitting B. sit C.would sit D.will be sitting
The minister expected that the situation in the following year. A.will improve B.would improve C.improved D. had improved
Take your computer to John,and he it for you. A.repairs B.will repair C.has repaired D.had repaired
The last time her,she at a medical college. A.was visiting;studied B.visited;studies C.visited;was studying D.was visiting;was studying
The number of girls receiving college education in the country during the past 10 years. A.is doubled B. has doubled C.was doubled D.had doubled