16. (单选题) Hearing that song always ______ me of my hometown.(本题3.0分) A、 complain B、 assure C、 remind D、 regard
17. (单选题) They are seeking financial support from ______ sources.(本题3.0分) A、 delicious B、 serious C、 anxious D、 various
18. (单选题) The violence was the result of political and ethnic ______.(本题3.0分) A、 anxiety B、 conflicts C、 contents D、 patterns
19. (单选题) I’m very ______ about the speech contest.(本题3.0分) A、 anxious B、 satisfied C、 focus D、 afraid
20. (单选题) The post office will issue ______ new stamps(本题3.0分) A、 as long as B、 as well as C、 a lots of D、 a series of
21. (单选题) Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing ______ the severe pollution.(本题3.0分) A、 because of B、 because C、 now that D、 when
22. (单选题) Heavy rain caused a severe car accident, ______ the death of two passengers.(本题3.0分) A、 resulting in B、 resulting from C、 result in D、 result from
23. (单选题) A successful businessman made a small ______ in his wife’s name.(本题3.0分) A、 condition B、 donation C、 tradition D、 production
24. (单选题) Her interest in designing was ______ by her father since her childhood.(本题3.0分) A、 accumulated B、 reached C、 stimulated D、 challenged
25. (单选题) A recent photograph should be ______ to your application form.(本题3.0分) A、 attached B、 adjusted C、 applied D、 addicted
26. (单选题) She ______ work at 7:30 every morning.(本题3.0分) A、 leads to B、 stays up C、 turns out D、 leaves for
27. (单选题) Pat didn’t feel like ______ the celebration activities.(本题3.0分) A、 joins in B、 joining in C、 to join in D、 join in
28. (单选题) Even the smallest baby can ______ its mother by her voice.( )(本题3.0分) A、 identify B、 represent C、 express D、 simplify
29. (单选题) The performance of each employee is ______ once a year.( )(本题3.0分) A、 removed B、 inspired C、 evaluated D、 accumulated
30. (单选题) The children ______ more to her than anything else in the world.( )(本题3.0分) A、 mature B、 master C、 matters D、 matter