Mary: Do you like your job? Linda: I don.t really like it. Mary: Why not? Linda: Because the回答 is low. The cost of living is increasing dramatically these days. I always spend more money than I earn. Mary: Don.t回答 too much. I thought you got a good salary. Your salary is much higher than the white-collar average回答 of this city. Linda: Just 4,000 yuan a month. It is said that couriers of our company can earn more than 6,000 yuan a month. Mary: But that.s a really hard job. They work long hours every day, and they have to回答 the goods in all weather conditions. You just sit in the回答 office and don.t have to work outside. Linda: Yeah, that.s for sure. Mary: Your job is not difficult. You have no reason to complain. Linda: Maybe you.re right.
Andy.s new colleagues are very helpful. 选择一项: 对 错
Andy worked in teams before. 选择一项: 对 错
The present corporate culture is the same as the previous one. 选择一项: 对 错
The employees in the new company think their boss is nice. 选择一项: 对 错
Andy.s former boss always told her what to do and how to do it. 选择一项: 对 错
There will be a 55 percent growth in hospital employment. 选择一项: 对 错
There will be 1.4 million jobs added in the educational sector. 选择一项: 对 错
Computer systems management jobs are expected to grow by as much as 87 percent. 选择一项: 对 错
The largest growth in the hospitality industry will be in hotel service. 选择一项: 对 错
The jobs in small retail businesses are expected to grow by 6 percent. 选择一项: 对 错
根据对话内容,请你将他们处理图片的顺序排序。 A. Click on the “Create Animation” button. B. Go to the animation menu and select “Color Cycle Animation”. C. Check off any other animation effects you like. D. Save this image on your computer by selecting “Save Picture As.” E. List Colors field, list all the colors you would like the picture to cycle through.
We call those who lived through World War II the “Beat Generation”. 选择一项: 对 错
44 percent of Internet users are creating meaningful materials and posting them on the web. 选择一项: 对 错
Young people spend much of their free, waking hours on the Internet. 选择一项: 对 错