16. I didn’t send out my application form last week, but I ________.  (A) had to (B) might have to (C) have had (D) should have
17. Not until the game had begun ______ the sports ground.  (A) did Peter arrive at (B) Peter arrived at (C) didn’t Peter arrive at (D) Peter didn’t arrive at
18. All the task ______ ahead of time, we planned to go on holiday for a week. (A) had fulfilled (B) having fulfilled (C) were fulfilled (D) having been fulfilled
19. Success or failure here would be ___to his prospects.  (A) critical (B) crucial (C) critic (D) criticized
20. The ____of human life is short.  (A) stage (B) strech (C) space (D) span
21. The imbalance between males and females could ______ serious consequences.  (A) change into (B) lead to (C) turn to (D) develop into
22. In many countries now seat belts are _____ for the driver and front seat passengers at least.  (A) necessary (B) in demand (C) in need (D) compulsory
23. Mr. Zhang makes _____ a point to keep up with the latest development in his field.  (A) this (B) that (C) it (D) these
24. His speech was warmly received. It was several minutes before the applause _______.  (A) died down (B) died of (C) died out (D) died off
25. When he wrote to his father that he wanted to ____ his education and get married, his father cut off his allowance.  (A) give up (B) give out (C) give in (D) give away
1. You’d better add them up. I’m not good at ____.  (A) figures (B) characters (C) summaries (D) counters
2. She broke her leg, but the ____ healed quickly.  (A) fracture (B) injury (C) skeleton (D) cavity
3. I’ve got a big coffee ____ on the front of my dress.  (A) pore (B) patch (C) stain (D) grease
4. The old gardener used to keep all his tools and do it yourself equipment in a ____ in the garden.  (A) barn (B) room (C) hut (D) shed
5. Where there is an earthquake, energy is ____ in one area along a crack in the earth crust.  (A) repelled (B) released (C) run (D) rushed